close, oh so close

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5 hours,

and i still long for your warmth.

Twilight Princess played in the dark, a door shut closed.

a seat too small, yet somehow you find a way to be right next to me.

your head laid on my lap, I swing the remote hoping to hit my target.

hours go by and I've barely begun the gameplay, your dad comes in and says it's time.

he leaves to start the car, what a mistake.

you become heavy and I can't hardly move, but I don't want to, I just want to stay

I repeat the same line, "i gotta go get my shoes upstairs"

but I stay at your side, like a magnet in this dark lair.


minutes pass, still in the dark

why is this the hardest part?

finally I convince you, but instead of walking to the door you walk to me

your arms wrap around, mine around you

"don't go"

i hug tighter, time seems to go by slow.

released from your arms, your protective bubble and warmth.

I stumble, onto the armrest, and time feels like molasses.

looking up at you I know you have the same idea, it's the perfect angle and perfect place.

you have other ideas, though, and you discard the moment.

almost, yet not quite. we were close
very close
oh so close
to something totally worth it.

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