pounding hearts

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CHAPTER EIGHT: the aftermath


"you did good tonight."

my heart flutters feeling finn's eyes on my movements. gosh, why did my hands have to shake?

i sighed softly, still not facing him and packing my clothes into a carrier. "thanks... i tried to keep up as best i could."

"well," he sounds closer now. "if it's any consolation i think you did amazing." i can feel his breath is on my neck now and tried my best to not gasp at the sudden feeling of it.

he's trying to kill me isn't he?

"i did?" my voice was lower and shyer than intended but finn didn't seem to care. in fact, it made him smirk, and i knew this because i had finally gotten the nerve to turn around.

we were close. his body not even more than a foot away from mine.

he grins playfully. "oh course you did. when don't you? oh, and by the way i heard the albums already on its way to the top!"

"are you kidding me? oh my god! that's insane. i can't... i can't even believe it."

"i can," finn confirms it makes me smile up at him. "thank you," i say and he frowns confusedly. "why are you thanking me millie?"

"because you believe in me. you think i'm good and you don't pressure me to be more than what i am. you don't expect me or push me to be better." i felt an out pour of emotion work it's way up my throat as i spoke, and soon a couple tears reached my eyes as well.

"hey-" his hand wipes at the tears, cupping my cheek softly. "don't cry."

i bit my lip trying to contain the overwhelming feelings but it became too much. i press my lips to his now and he freezes for a second in response, before melting and grabbing both sides of my face and kissing me back fiercely.

everything's moving so fast now.

my legs are shaking so much, it lessens though when my back hits the door so i can lean my weight on now. his lips were moving at such a fast rate it was almost hard to catch up but i didn't stop.

i didn't wanna.

unfortunately, there was still the problem of well- breathing so i pulled away; his lips still brushing mine as he spoke softly, causing shivers.

"sorry," finn mutters. "i didn't mean to-"

"it's okay... really."

my eyes are closed still, he's farther now, and i know he's staring at me too. i work the courage to open my lids now.

he looks equally as wrecked.

well at least i'm not the only one.

finn gleams when our eyes meet again; my hand in his now gently. "are we going to talk about this? you know like what this is?"

"i...i don't know."

he sighs. not annoyed just curious. "listen," finn says. "do you like me? be honest with me. if not, we can forget this whole thing ever happened and go back to being strictly professional." was it ever really?

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