back in the light

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CHAPTER NINE: first shows but not meetings


i awoke slowly feeling soft puffs of my breath fanning my arm and the sun blinding at my eyes. i groaned grumpily standing up to hastily shut the blinds i didn't know i had left open.

my muscles felt loose as i threw my body back on the bed smushing a pillow back to face tiredly, trying to fall back asleep. i was just on the verge too when suddenly there was a knock upon my door.

i groaned fully throwing the pillow over my head now.

why the hell was someone here so early?

the knocking continues and i throw the pillow away trying to look at my clock, before snatching my glasses at the bed stand. my eyes practically widen and i wouldn't be surprised if they were the size of saucers at the time.

it's barely eight thirty!

who would willingly be up at this hour of the day? a crazy person that's who.

"who is it?" i called reaching the door, running hand through my messy flop of curls.

"it's finn!"

oh—suddenly i'm much more awake than before. he smiles charmingly holding a bag and some drinks in his hands, stepping inside after a moment.

"i hope i didn't wake you, i don't wanna intrude but i thought we could have breakfast together?" his hopeful voice has my heart melting and opening the bag in excitement.

"oh no i- i was already awake," i lie partially not wanting to make him feel bad.

finn grins grabbing my hand and rubbing gently at my knuckles. "i brought bagels and fruit. i hope that's okay?"

"it's perfect."

he goes to kiss my mouth but i hold a finger up in air with an embarrassing chuckle. "i just woke up awhile before you came, but i haven't gone to brush my teeth yet hold on."

and i'd rather not let finn know i have utterly disgusting morning breath cause that's not cute at all.

making sure to take a little longer than usual i dash to the table happily picking one of the many bagels finn had boughten; a variety from sweet to savory, but ultimately i chose the apple cinnamon one, practically moaning at the taste of it.

finn laughs. "you like it?"

"you have no idea." i nod frantically and this time when he kisses me i lean in too.

it's short and he taste sweet like the strawberries i saw he's brought with him, and i can't help but press another peck to his mouth.

"i could get used to this," he hums.


we eat in mostly the quiet, only some words spoken softly just content to hold hands and eat even one handed.

"first shows tonight..." he says.

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