Chapter 3

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Me and my Jackie have become really close she's actually really cool , I don't see why Violet wasn't so happy about her , although sometimes Jackie does get a bit too demanding , I tend to ignore that part of her . Violet came up to me before class and asked me if I would stop being friends with Jackie yet , I said "No, she's really cool you should get to know her better " But I could tell she wasn't listening so I asked her what was she looking at , then I noticed she was looking at the friendship bracelet Jackie gave me , immediately Violet ripped the bracelet off my hand which left a scar around my arm , she told me to never put it on again .
Later that day I came home and my mom asked me about what happened to my hand and I told her , she said she didn't want me hanging around Violet anymore . From that day on I started to avoid Violet as much as I can , but my mom was so serious when she said she didn't want me anywhere near Violet , she meant it . My mom actually made me change my Locker number , I was moved to the hallway where there's only one locker ... Mine .

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