Chapter 5

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  " Oh no , Its working , the bracelet's working !"  the same sentence kept going through my mind over and over again , i couldn't concentrate during class, at home , when i was about to go to sleep , so I just opened up my laptop and i was doing some research for an assignment , i stumbled upon this picture , it wasn't just any picture though. It was a picture of our house , there was an article written about it because a family died , after a year of living there , It said that they just died of a car crash , but when i was looking at the comments someone typed " It's That Town, It's not normal" i checked the time , it was pretty later so i just went to sleep. 

I don't talk to Violet anymore , so the only option i really had was to talk to Jackie about the article , so i did .


When i asked Jackie , she didn't even talk about it she looked at me and the article back and forth , ignored that fact that i had just asked her the question.

Jackie was kind of my only friend , so i just deal with her weirdness/creepiness .

I wanted to show Violet the article , and I couldn't find the link to the article or the picture i saved , which was weird since i didn't give Jackie my phone i just showed it to her .  At home I tried looking for the link and the page , I remembered the name of the website . I searched it up and it said " Please Type In The Correct Website " , it wouldnt work . Also , I had tried to search up some more stuff about the town , nothing showed up .

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