Chapter 4

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Having an empty hallway to myself isn't fun , in fact its really starting to creep me out  mostly because my locker in the only one in the school that is covered in mold and all this other nasty stuff. I decided to clean out my locker so i started to take out all my notebook's so i could clean the back of my locker , this note fell out with the name Elanor on it . As i was about to open it the bell rang . I wonder what was in the note . As soon as i got out of class back to my locker to get the note and i opened it and it read ...." I know they're coming to be me , i need to escape as soon as i can" I didn't get it , Who was coming for her , Why does she need to escape as soon as she can?" I put the note in my backpack , headed of to the cafeteria . I told Jackie about the letter , the first thing she asked was " Who wrote it ?" "This girl named Elanor apparently , she said that she needed to escape this town as soon as possible , Jackie's eyes widened , her jaw dropped , she hissed at me and told me to give her the note , I just gave it to her so she could read it , but instead she ended up tearing the letter into a million pieces . I just stared at her , i couldn't believe that she just did that , Violet came up to me and told me she wanted to talk to me in private , but at the time when she asked i was so mad at Jackie for ripping up the note , I took out all my anger on Violet , before she left she said " Oh no , Its working , the bracelet's working !" I had no idea what she was talking about , i still wrote the bracelet the Jackie gave me but it's just a bracelet , nothing special  .

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