CH15 Final days

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Third Person POV
Destruction can be seen everywhere... Dread and death polute the air and the hearts of many as the Grimm dominate the cities and kingdoms... But it all may end this very day... (YN) is still trying to recover from the attack that penny has used on him. She locked him into the one body that he was in right now and if that body was somehow destroied he wouldn't have anywear else to go. On the other hand we have the last of the resistance on the frontline. They are crippled by the Grimm attacks and the pain and grief of loss... But this will be the fight
That settles it.

Ruby POV
As we made it to the church. We enter the building and see a strange metal device in the very center of the church. But where is (YN)?

(YN): so you arrived...

We all turned around to see (YN) with an army of atlas soldiers and White Fang...

(YN): The most important battle you will ever fight... This is exactly what I wanted. All of you. Against me... What hope can you possibly have to stop me?
Qrow: I thought that was obvious
Ruby: We are gonna beat you together!

(YN) then groans as he fired a beam and charges straight towards ruby only for him to be blocked by Qrow

Qrow: if you think ill let you hurt my niece then you have another thing coming...
(YN): Such a primitive fool, my will is law.

The two fighters then teleport and then begin fighting in the distance as ruby and the others try to figure out how to stop the device.

Weiss: how can we disable it? Is it like a bomb?
Jaune: I'm not sure how it works
Penny: I... Have a clue on how it works... But you won't like it...

As they discussed their plan, qrow is thrown through a wall covered in blood.

(YN): A minor sacrifice for a cause that will fail... I now give you all the gift off PAIN

As he said this he raised his hand towards the resistance and the white fang and the soldiers charged both.

Penny: Brother please
(YN): We are NOT siblings... You are a failure with a disgusting parody of flesh... You pretend to be something you aren't while I am at peace with who I am...

The two siblings then then fight! Exchanging punches and kicks and firing beams and missiles at each other... Until penny grabs (YN) by the head and forced him out of the atlas robots and caused him a crippling amount of pain.

(YN): W What did did y oh do?
Penny: I'm sorry

And as she said this she fired a lazor at (YN) only for him to reflect it and hit her with it.

(YN): Your apology is unnecessary...

He then looked to the church and noticed that ironwood was almost done destroying the device as the others defeated the white fang and forced them to retreat

Weiss: This is your last chance
Ruby: surrender
(YN):... You primitive fools...

He the charges faster then anyone can even have a chance to react to and picks everyone off one by one. And as he chokes ironwood he tightens his grip on his throat.

(YN): You think you can save anyone? If I turn that key even a little early then that is 1 kingdom destroyed beyond repair... Not even you can stop that.
Ironwood: Stoping the bomb isn't the plan (YN)!

(YN) then gives him a looks at him with a confused look before getting hit by penny as she held the bomb...

Ruby: ok, you have the bomb... So what now?
Penny: *sigh* now... I take my brother down...

As (YN) stands up looking more pissed off only to be tackled by his older sister and forced into a near by ship...

Ironwood: TAKE COVER

The ship holding both siblings was designed to be indestructible and to hold the most dangerous of creatures and as such was more then capable of holding the two siblings as it began to take off and leave remnents atmosphere.

(YN): you would destroy us both just stop save a planet of idiots?
Penny: mabye there idiots... But there my friends...

(YN) then sighed as he disabled the bomb...

(YN): we will leave this ship... And when we do I will kill all of them
Penny: then I guess I have a lot to teach you about the world as your older sister huh?
(YN): learn? *chuckles* like what?
Penny: well... How to see the good in people... We can start with friendship. Ill be your first friend. Nice to meet you friend!


Ruby POV
Penny did something that none of us would have expected... Its been years since she and her brother left and since then we gmhave repaired the world and helped everyone. Thanks to blake faunas now have respect through peace, Grimm are on the edge of extinction, and team rwby is now known as one of the greatest teams in excistance. Everyone got a happy ending... Thanks penny...

Authors POV
Little did everyone know, the siblings landed long ago and chose to start there own society of androids just like them... Peace... Was finally achieved...

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