Direct Message 1.0 - Brianna

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Direct Messages

New direct message

To: @Luke5SOS

Oh my god, thank you so much for following me! <3

From: @Luke5SOS

Hey babe, more like thank you for making me laugh so hard the lads thought i lost it

To: @Luke5SOS

wow you really are a dork; you found those funny?

From: @Luke5SOS

of course! I'm a sucker for corny jokes haha :-)

To: @Luke5SOS

good to know ;)

From: @Luke5SOS

why do i feel like im going to get a daily portion of corny jokes on here?

To: @Luke5SOS

because you are.

From: @Luke5SOS

If you thought your going to make me miserable with that, your wrong

To: @Luke5SOS

oh aw, and i had a handfull of puns ready just for you :( btw it's you're* (and to think you're the one who didn't drop out of school)

From: @Luke5SOS

I was just testing you.

To: @Luke5SOS

Suuure, you were... ;)

To: @Luke5SOS

Hey, don't take this the wrong way, but uh why are you talking to me? I'm just a fan eh

From: @Luke5SOS

You're cool?

To: @Luke5SOS

I'm lame. Seriously, why are you wasting your time on me?

From: @Luke5SOS

I don't know, I feel like we could be friends? You just seem really cool :-)

Luke wants to be friends with me. Luke. Hemmings. It's cool, yeahhh...

To: @Luke5SOS

Oh.. I'm sorry I'm so awkward. I'm not used to casually talking with my idols...

From: @Luke5SOS

Don't worry, I know how you feel. You should've seen me when I first met ATL. I'm just a normal fanboy, who happens to be in a succesful but shitty band. :-D

To: @Luke5SOS

Your band is not shitty though

From: @Luke5SOS

Thanks! I appreciate that.

To: @Luke5SOS

You're such a dork, has anyone told you that?

From: @Luke5SOS

Many times, yes :-)

To: @Luke5SOS

So, uh, what are you up to right now?

From: @Luke5SOS

well, I'm talking to you... Besides that I'm half sittin half laying in this reeeeeeally comfortable sofa in the dressing room of the stadium we're playing in tonight :-) You?

To: @Luke5SOS

Talking to you... And laying in my bed with a runny nose and a fever yay :((

From: @Luke5SOS

Aw, that sucks :-( Wish I could help

To: @Luke5SOS

Don't worry - if we look on the bright side of this at least I don't have to go to school :D

From: @Luke5SOS


From: @Luke5SOS

Wait, this is random, but, where are you actually from? :-)

To: @Luke5SOS

I'm from Sydney actually

From: @Luke5SOS

Ah! Fellow aussie! Man I miss Australia. :-(

To: @Luke5SOS

We miss you guys too!

From: @Luke5SOS

Hey I have to go, I have a show to make, talk to you later? :-)

To: @Luke5SOS

I'll hold you to that. :) Break a leg or whatever :D Good luck x

From: @Luke5SOS

Don't worry I won't forget about ya ;-) Bye x

To: @Luke5SOS

Bye ^-^ x

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

Did I just become acquaintances with Luke Hemmings?


sorry this kinda escelated quickly xdd

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