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Luke Hemmings @Luke5SOS

love songs kinda mood :-) x (screenshot of 'All Of Me' playing)

Ashton Irwin @Ashton5SOS

I think Luke is broken, all he's been listening to all day is love songs (monkey covering ears emoji)

Michael Clifford @Michael5SOS

he's been like this all day, I think he's sick (picture of luke in a fetal position with his earbuds in)

Calum Hood @Calum5SOS

@Michael5SOS I think we both know the diagnosis ;)

Michael Clifford @Michael5SOS

@Calum5SOS we need to help him, look at him! (picture of luke still in the same position)

Luke Hemmings @Luke5SOS

@Michael5SOS stop taking sneakies of me !!!!

Calum Hood @Calum5SOS

@whoabrianna hi ;)

Brianna @whoabrianna

@Calum5SOS hi? (grinning emoji)

Calum Hood @Calum5SOS

@whoabrianna pls help lucas

Luke Hemmings @Luke5SOS

@Calum5SOS what the fuck Calum ?????????

Brianna @whoabrianna

@Calum5SOS what?

Lili @hemmoawks

who's @whoabrianna??

CALUM PLEASE @blazeitclifford

guys i think that brianna might be that luke's secret girlfriend

Luke Hemmings @Luke5SOS

@blazeitclifford i don't have a girlfriend...

Brianna @whoabrianna

i would appreaciate if you stopped sending me hate i don't know luke he just tweeted me once...

Luke Hemmings @Luke5SOS

(annoyed emoji) i hate calum


i have no idea what this is omg

it sucks i tried

love ya lots like jelly tots :*

T x

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