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We didn't talk much on the ride back, because I somehow ended up falling asleep in the span of 10 minutes. On her shoulder. Great job Luke. Just great. I apologized for it later, after she woke me up and we stood at her front door. She said it was alright and she understood that I was tired after a long flight. After that we just kind of awkwardly stood there, niether of us knowing what exactly to say.

"So... it was great to see you, Brianna," I grinned sheepishly and she shot me a wide smile before throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me.

"You, too," she said. And I hugged her for the third time today. I spun us around a bit, making her giggle into my shoulder.

She then pulled away and looked down at our feet before standing on her tippy toes and planting a quick peck on my cheek. I caught a slight of her flushed cheeks before she dissapeared into her house with a soft goodnight. I stood there, dazed for a slight seconds, before biting my lip and returning to my mum's car with a small smile.

"Luke's got a girlfriend!" Calum exclaimed as soon as I sat in the car which earned him a punch in the shoulder.

"Shut up," I mumbled then and leaned back, closing my eyes. Our mothers both chuckled, Joy jokingly scolding Calum.

All I thought about for the rest of the night was Brianna. Brianna this, Brianna that. And it seemed like she was thinking about me too.



sorry about that

about what?


the, uhm, kiss on the cheek

nothing to be sorry about Bri :-)


I'm just so awkward, god, I'm sorry!


I'm so sorry I didn't say much it's just I have a tiny bit of social anxiety and I never know what to say and I just..

baby please calm down, it's okay

that's nothing to be sorry about

brianna are you there



can I call you?


like right now?





Bugaboo :-)




"Hey," I chuckled softly at how scared her voice sounded.

"I'm sorry, I-" she sniffled, stopping mid-sentence.

"Brianna? Sweetheart, are you crying?" I whispered, clutching my phone tight, my heart sinking.

"I'm fine Luke I think I just caught a cold or som-"

"Don't bullshit me, I saw you less than two hours ago, you were okay. Why are you crying?"

"I'm so sorry for not talking much, god I mean, I wanted to talk to you, so much, but I just didn't know what to say and I hate it when that happens and god, I hate this, I don't want to be like this, I'm such a-"

"Stop!" I spoke up and she immediately shut up.

"Sweetheart, listen to me. You did absolutely nothing wrong. And please don't cry just because you didn't say anything, it's not worth the tears, baby. Just you being there made me so fucking happy, you know that. God I almost threw up all over the freaking airport because I was so nervous! I was so nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen when I met you or if you were even going to show up! I don't think you understand how attached I got to you in this short period of time we've known eachother." My voice got louder and louder and I rambled faster and faster and my heart was beating so fast.


"Shit Brianna, I can't do this over the phone." I mumbled, running my hand through my hair.

"Do what?"

"Can you meet me at that park near your house, by that kindergarten?"

"Right now?"

"Right now."

"I'll be there," she whispered, before hanging up on me.

OKAY SO i just kinda winged this chapter so it sucks ong
but ooh what do yall think he's gonna tell her?

also im gonna go and ask for 35 votes this time bc damn guys i didn't even have the chapter written when you reached the goal *slow claps*

love ya lots like jelly tots :*
T x

Internet Friends // L.H. // FINISHED /DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now