Snowed In Part 2

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"Whatever Solace, I think it's time you left."

Will faked being hurt and stood up.

"Uhhh, Nico?"

"What. Solace? I thought I told you to leave."

"Yeah, about that......."

"What now???" asked Nico as he turned to face me.

"Oh. Please. No."

It was snowing. Hard, Really Hard. Nico's cabin was caved in.

He was snowed in with Nico di Angelo.



Will P.O.V

"This can't be happening!" Nico exclaimed.

"Aww, am I that bad, Neeks?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"

"I don't get why you're worrying so much Nico. It'll probably be only a day, by then they'll have fixed the barrier." (Pretend they weakened it a little bit, for some reason.)

"Don't you realize, I'm stuck alone, with, with you?!"

Will couldn't help but feel a little hurt. 

Suddenly he lit up, "I can shadowtravel you to your cabin!"

"NO, no underworldly stuff until I say so, and besides, that'll mean you'll be all alone And I'm going to help cure your loneliness."

"That's kinda the point, Will."

"Let's iris message someone. Percy?"

"He's at home with Sally, so is Annabeth."

"How about Jason?"


He fished around for a drachma and went to the sink. "Oh, Iris goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering, and show me, Jason Grace!"

An image appeared with Jason, and Piper holding hands, talking about something. 

"Hey, Jason!" called Nico.

"Oh, hi Nico! And..... Will?"

"Oooooh!" shrieked Piper. 

Will felt himself blushing and looked at Nico as realization dawned on his face. "NO!! He was just here for a checkup. Not that I needed it. But then we got snowed in!"

"Snowe-- OH!"

"Can you help get him out of here??" asked Nico. 

"But, why would you want that Nico??" asked a grinning Piper. 
Nico began blushing furiously for some reason. 

"Aww Neeks, you look so cute! Why don't you ask Will what he thinks?"

"St-Stop It!!" Said Nico, turning an even brighter shade of red.

"Stop what, my dear Nico?" she asked blinking innocently."

Piper looked at me, and that when I realized I was blushing a little too. 
"What do you think Will? Don't you think Nico looks Cute?"

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