Jason's _______

398 15 56

Title: Jason's Predicament? 

**I didn't know what to call the Chapter.... PLEASE READ THE NOTE ON THE BOTTOM!
Edit: Not anymore

** IMAGE ^^^^

He had to keep himself under control. It was starting to happen way to much now. 

Mrs. Meld stood in front of the class and said, "Now, let's say, "Do ri me"

Everyone cleared their throat or drank water. He was starting to get nervous.

"Do ri me fa SO LAN GEL O!" He covered his mouth, he did it again!

Mrs. Meld looked at him, "Jason, this is the 5th time this week! What does So lan gel o even mean?"

"You wouldn't understand"

She looked at him confused, suddenly his phone buzzed in a certain rhythm, meaning they were pictures, (IDK)

"Ma'am, could I be excused?"

"O Of course"

He ran out and started looking at the pictures of


He started fanboying over them silently. 

In one of them, Nico had his arms crossed, and Will was hugging him across the waist, with his head on Nico's head. 

He ran to the printer and made a copy of them. And posted it in his locker.

___________TIME SKIP__________

He entered the camp, and with a quick hello to Piper, ran over to Nico.

"Hey, Neeks! Did you tell anyone yet?"

"No, I'm still in Narnia." 


"And why is everyone sending you pictures of me? And Will?"

"It's my medication. If I don't get pictures every day, then I'll die."

Nico looked at him, with a "r u serious?" expression.

"Yes! If I don't get them, then I really will die!"

"Yeah, whatever"

"You should leave Narnia soon.."

"I'll do it when I choose to."

After talking for a bit more, he ran off to talk to his bro. Percy.

He saw him, trying to do a handstand.

Percy looked at him and said, " Hey Bro."

" Bro "



"So, what's up?"

"My dad."

"I mean, why did you come here?"


"ah, did you get the pictures?"

"Yes.. they were_"

"Beautiful" They both finished and looked at each other in the eyes.."

"Some random Aphrodite camper sighed, "The Bromance is real"

"OK, so have they done anything yet?"

"No..." Percy sighed sadly.


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