Valentine's Day Special WIP

261 4 14

I thought it would be better to post the WIP instead of just holding it off longer and longer- I'll come back to this later and finish it.

Note: This chapter sucks, it's rushed and isn't good

Also just continue reading it down. 

Will's POV

Nico's POV

Will looked at the calendar hung on the Infirmary Wall. 
February 14th. Valentine's Day. The Day of lovers. The day where he would sulk about the fact he didn't have a boyfriend. A certain boyfriend truth be told. 

Nico di Angelo burst into his life without warning, and Will couldn't believe how hard he fell for him in a few months. 

The way his eyes would light up as he excitedly talked about the newest anime he just watched.

The way he was so emotional. The smallest character death would leave him in tears. Tears would pour down his face as two characters smiled and hugged. 

The smallest joke causing him to burst into a fit of laughter, his face becoming red from it all.

When he would sigh in frustration when his friends would walk and leave him behind with his short legs.

When he would curl into a smol ball and fall asleep, chest rising and falling.

The way he would excitedly start talking about Utaites he found on YouTube.

There was so many things that made Will fall deeper and deeper in love.

Will Solace was one of a kind. He was more than that though. 

Everything he did made Nico somehow fall deeper in love with him. 

Whether it was patching up a wounded camper, or reading a book behind the Infirmary.

Will was there when not that many people weren't.

He was always there.

 It didn't matter if it be for his first day of high school, or his birthday.

Nico loved the way his eyes' would sparkle as he began talking about K-Pop

The way he would brush his hand through his hair when he was excited.

Was it even possible to fall this deep in love with someone?

How was Nico so adorable?

All he was doing was trying to clean his cabin. But, due to his smolness, he couldn't reach the top shelf. He had proceeded to push his bed next to the wall and try to get to it. But. He. Was. Too. Short. 

Will's the light to his darkness and a big reason he stayed. He's indescribable, He's speechless when he tries to describe how Will makes him feel because it's impossible to be put into words

----More stuff----

But one thing was for sure

I was absolutely, positively





I'm pretty sure my writing got worse

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