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You're supposed to fix what's broken right? Even if the pieces cut into your hand and make you bleed. Especially if the broken is something you cherish. Something you love. Someone you love.

But- what if that person is incapable of being fixed?

What if they've lost too many of the pieces that make them.. them?

What if someone stole some of those pieces?

Stole them and took them to the grave.

What if someone took a piece and smashed it against the wall?

What if someone stole a piece and added it to themselves?

What if someone poured acid on it, erasing any of it's pure innocence it had?

What if it was greedily swallowed?

What if someone took a piece and crushed it to pieces in front of them?

If a piece were lodged in their throat, causing them to not be able to speak the words they so desperately want to say. 

A piece missing from their eyes, not allowing them to see the better things in their life.

The large shard that has a gaping hole in the middle, unable to be filled.

The sharp edge of one cutting into their heart

What if the only person who knew how to put them back together was one of the same people who smashed them to pieces? 

What if they savagely devoured all happiness they once had for their own selfish wants and needs?

The sharp edge cutting into their foot, making them slow down. Making everyone else go up ahead, leaving them behind.

A little piece taken here, 
A small piece from there,
A large piece taken from over there,
Until enough was taken that it can no longer make a whole

So... what do you think??

I wrote this a while ago? I think one or two months ago? 

Give me a new phrase to write and I'll make a viewer special edition!

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