Drunk!Will (part 2)

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This is part 2, This time Will's drunk. (This is a collab.... I think)

Nico's POV

For some reason, Will wouldn't stop laughing at him... It's been 2 weeks since it started.

All he remembered from that day was that he was on his bed, and Will was sitting on a chair with a flushed face.

He made his way towards the infirmary, "Hey Kayla." He greeted as he passed her.

"Hey Nico, visiting Will?"

Sightly blushing he said, "Yeah."

There weren't that many patients today, apart from an Aphrodite camper who had an arrow sticking out of her arm.

She nodded her head and greeting, and Nico went over to Will.

He quietly crept up to him, "BOO!"



"Oh, it's just you Nico," he said flashing him a smile.

Nico gave a small smile back,

"Who knew, that you'd be, out of all the people to hate cussing," He said, ruffling his hair.

"What's up with you and my hair?" he asked Will annoyed.

Will opted to not answer

"So, when do we start?"

"Start what?"

Nico let out a puff of air, "You said, I could help you in the infirmary today"

"Oh yeah!" But for some reason, he felt like Will was hiding something.

"First we need to clean the medicine cabinet. " He grabbed Nico's hand and showed him the room..


was a MESS

"Aren't Doctors' supposed to be neater?" He asked sighing.


"What kinda answer is that?"

"A good one."


So they started to clean everything, and organize it.

Time Skip

It took about 1 1/2 hours.

"Uhh I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a minute" Will sounded suspicious, but he waved it off.

10 minutes later Will still wasn't there.

Suddenly he felt 2 hands pick him up, and start racing towards the Poseidon Cabin. He looked down at his captor, "JASON!?"

He just grinned in response and kicked the door open.

"GUYS! I GOT HIM!!" His eyes adjusted to the room and saw something horrible





And almost everyone at Camp was there.

"When did the cabin get so big??"

"Expansion spell from the Hecate Cabin" He followed the voice, and saw the Traitor,


"You were in on this!?" He asked slightly betrayed.


One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora