Chapter One

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Right now, I'm working a vampire case. They're real pests, and my family always has to have some sort of involvement with them. I mean, it's not want we want - it's just how it is.

I decided to go alone. The road's quiet as I drive along in my dark green Jeep, trees surrounding me on either side. In the passenger seat, I have a duffel bag with all of my 'equipment' - machete, holy water, daggers, you name it. Today, I'll hopefully just need my machete.

A little ways down the empty road, I see a light. My jeep parallel parks just off the road. Between me and the light are plenty of trees. Keeping my eyes on the light, I reach for my machete. Then I get out of the car. I don't have to slam the doors shut for them to actually shut, so everything's already going better than expected.

I'm light on my feet as I walk closer to the vampire's nest. Peeking from behind a bush, I hook the sheath for my machete around my belt loop on my denim shorts. My breathing is kept controlled and silent as I watch the guard go around the back of the warehouse. Then, I run.

I dive roll under the light to the dark side of the warehouse; the guard is on the opposite side. Above me, there's a small window - big enough for my frame, though - that's cracked open. Jumping, I pull myself up just like I do at the gym. Inside, I see everyone's back to me. Someone clicks out the dim light and yells out something about "getting some shut eye". Something in the back of my mind itches about that voice, but I ignore it; I have to get rid of this nest.

Before the guard has any more time to come and find me, I silently move through the window. I've already determined there's nothing under the window, so I go in head first and push on the wall to pull my legs in and do a flip into the room. My worn boots hit the ground with a quiet click; I try to keep my heartbeat at a steady rate.

Slowly, I take in my surroundings. It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but I can tell that there are lots of bookcases and an archway in front of me. I go through it. Now I'm in the main part of the warehouse; the room goes out pretty far. There's a staircase that looks unsteady against the wall to my left, ending right in front of the archway. It's too dark for me to see anything else in the room, so I let out a quiet breath.

I feel someone breathe on my neck. Suddenly, the light turns on. It was a trap. The vampires are all around me now, crooked fangs forcing their way from their gums. In a swift motion, I pull out my machete and swing it behind me. My target catches my wrist, and I pull my leg back to kick his knee. He falls, and I spin quickly to cut off somebody's head who was coming at me. Another vampire grabs my arm forcefully, and I elbow their chest. As they fall, I slice their head off in a clean movement. Everyone's starting to close in on me now. If I let them get any closer, I'll be pinned against a bookshelf in the room behind me.

I remember my father telling me how important it is for me to not get cornered. So, instinctively, I move up a bit to close the space between myself and the four vampires. One on my right swings, and I duck while spinning, kicking their legs straight out from under them. I realize that more vampires are coming up from behind me; I'm outnumbered. By now, it's getting harder to control my breathing and heart beat. Think strategy, Chrys. The two behind you are already weakened, because you knocked them over earlier; go for both of them at the same time.

My grip on my machete tightens, and I ram the handle into the head of a vampire on my left. The one right beside her grabs at my arm, but misses, because I've spun around and sliced the heads of the two monsters behind me. Their heads and bodies fall to the ground as I turn back around, facing the last two conscious vampires - that I'm aware of.

The one on my right - a middle aged man with slicked back hair and very noticeable muscles - swings at me. A movement somewhere in the darkness behind him distracts me, and my jaw starts to hurt as my head goes back. I stumble, trying to stay standing. He goes for me with his fist again, somehow closer than he was before. The other one laughs.

Then, I hear Trick's voice shout out, "Chrys!" His voice cracks, like he's disappointed. Now my eye's black, and I'm trying to see past the 3 identical vampires walking toward me.

I hear a grunt and a slicing noise as I fall backwards onto my butt, trying to stay focused on the buff vampire. Is someone else here? Did Trick do that? Crawling forward on the ground, I try to stand and see who did that. But, I collapse. At the same time, the second vampire falls, its blurry head rolling away from its body.

The last thing I see are boots and jeans stepping over the head towards me. And the last thing I think is this person's going to kill me.

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