Chapter Three

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Sam and Dean take me to a motel. I'm not sure if they're dropping me off or what. Nervously, I nudge my lip piercing with my tongue; it's in the very middle of my lower lip. The sun's out today and super bright. I wish I had my duffel bag; it had sunglasses in it - and weapons, and make up... it's kind of an all purpose bag for me.

They pull into a parking spot and get out. Following them, I realize we'll all be in the same motel room. Once we're inside, Dean says something about bringing the bags in, and I go sit on the couch.

Wallpaper peels off of the wall above my head, and it reveals a tan color slightly darker than the yellow of the paper itself. The couch I'm on is white and sitting across from a king size bed covered in white sheets; beside it is an identical king bed, a dark wooden night stand between them with a narrow lamp on it.

"So, Chrys," Sam's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Who's Trick? You said his name a few times."

My eyes widen slightly, and I stand up. "Trick's my little brother. I saw him at the vampire's nest. We've got to go back a-"

"Woah there, princess," Dean cuts me off as he sets a backpack and two duffel bags on the kitchen table. "We're not going back. Do you even know why your brother was there?" He says it like he knows something I don't.

"Because, um," I pause, "They took him."

Dean just shakes his head, "He's their leader."

I glare at Dean. "No, he's not. They took him... they took my brother; how could you say he's their leader?! That's bullshit." Now I'm standing, getting closer to him.

"Hey," Sam says, putting his arms between us, "guys just.. just take it easy, okay?"

"No," I shout, "he's insulting my brother in front of me. Of all the wrong people you could have said something like that to," I just shake my head. Sam's kind of right; I shouldn't blow it out of proportion.

Once we're done exchanging dirty glares, we both look to Sam. "Now," he says, "I can confirm what Dean saw," Sam glances to him, then back to me. "Your brother... he's a vampire; I'm sorry."

"Yeah, and Sam wouldn't let me kill him," Dean speaks up. Giving him another glare, I still try to deny what they're saying; but I don't tell them that.

"So you tried?" I ask, taking another step towards him. Sam's arm is in my way, so I stop; he isn't worth it. Rolling my eyes, I sigh. Then I take a step back to show Sam I'm not going to try to kill Dean anymore. He doesn't answer my question.

Sam asks, "Do you want to go looking for him?"

"Do you want to go looking for him?" Dean scoffs. He turns around, apparently at a loss for words, and turns back to face us. "Why would you ask that? She can't go back out there; they practically ripped her apart."

"Yeah, but Dean," Sam protests, "if it was me, you'd go looking."

"Really, Sam? That card?" Dean says, standing up straighter, trying to intimidate his taller younger brother. "Look: I'm not letting her go out there - not alone, not with you, not with me, not with both of us, you hear me?"

"Who suddenly made you boss?" Sam asks, moving his face closer to his. Dean pushes Sam on the shoulders, and he stumbles back.

"Hey," I yell, moving my hands between them like Sam did. "If it makes you feel any better, I was going to decline the offer," I say firmly to Dean. "And don't think I'll do what your brother does for you," I say, turning to Sam this time. "We are nothing alike."

There was a pause before I continued. "I do, however, want to go see my other brother, Xavier. At the house, I saw them wheeling him away on a gurney." I look between the both of them, seeing no signs of disagreement. Dean shrugs.

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