Chapter Twenty

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It's our second day on the road from Florida to Colorado. Dean said he was willing to stop whenever I was hungry or felt sick; I don't think he understands that right now I basically eat on the hour every hour. I managed to make a single day trip into a two and a half day trip - success.

Sam had found a case in Colorado. Frat boys keep going missing, but it's entire houses at a time.

"Update," Sam says, waving his phone around a bit. Then he clears his throat and reads, "'Officers have found a body of one of the missing frat boys. Attatched just under his arms are another set of arms. We assume they belong to another one of the missing boys.' That's kind of sick," Sam says after he finishes reading. He turns to me, and I frown.

"Does that mean he has 2 sets of arms - like Kali?" I ask curiously. We could be dealing with a diety.

"Kali," Dean repeats. "Wasn't she at that god and goddess convention or whatever?"

"Yeah, the one with the blood spell," Sam confirms. Then he turns to me again to explain. "A while back, we stayed at a hotel that conveniently had a clan of gods and goddesses from other religions. They were planning ways to stop the apocolypse," he finishes sadly, like he doesn't want to remember.

I decide not to say anything and look out the window the rest of the way to the hotel. My hand goes to my hip as I experience a little bit of pain. The pain spreads down between my legs, and I frown.

"You okay, princess?" Dean asks as he parks the car.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say. Then I get out of the car and help with unloading it. Sam and Deam fall onto their respective beds, but I just can't make it there, so I sit in a chair by the kitchen counter.

Dean has his eyes closed, so he asks, "Do you mind bringing me a beer, somebody?"

Sam sits up to get it, but I stand up first. I grip the beer bottle on my hand and as soon as I turn around, I collapse to my knees. Sam must have seen it coming, because I hit the ground the same time his knee does as he kneels next to me.

Black crowds my vision as I hear Sam yell for Dean to call someone. I take a big suck in, but I don't think the air reaches my lungs.

"What hurts?" Sam asks in a panic.

"My sto-stomach," I reply breathlessly. "It's the baby!"

"No," Dean says loudly behind me. "It's not the baby. You're okay and so is the baby." I can see pain in his eyes as he runs around beside Sam and holds my hand.

"The ambulance is on its way," he says. "Hang in there, Chrys," Dean tells me as he kisses my hand. I can hear sirens, and Sam jumps up to open the door. Over my shoulder, I see some people file in with a gurney and some kind of box. They easily pick me up from the ground and place me on the gurney. My heart hurts a bit as I feel Dean's fingers slip from mine.

"We're right behind you in the car, ok?" Sam tells me. I just nod as they put an oxygen mask on my face. The air feels good as I suck in and can finally breathe out.

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