Chapter Eight

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The next day is the kind that I like to call "Research Day". It's that day after you get all of the clues together and start making a picture from the pieces; it's my least favorite day.

I wake up to the sound of quiet arguing.

"Why is it even that big of a deal?" Dean says.

"Because," Sam retorts, "all you do is sit here with Chrys or eat or something. You need to do something for us once in a while."

There's a silence that I assume is filled with offended glares. Deciding not to open my eyes, I just roll over in bed. The pillow beside me still smells like Dean's hair.

"I swear, Sam," Dean says, "if Chrys wakes up because of this, I'm blaming it on you. Just go get the breakfast."

"No," Sam says loudly. Instinctively, I sit up, my hand going for the knife in my pocket - but there isn't a knife or any pockets. I sigh, pushing my frizzy blue hair from my face.

As I rub my eyes, I hear the door slam shut. My eyes open, and I blink them a few times, looking over to the kitchen area of the cluttered motel room. Sam stands there, looking at the ground.

I let out an annoyed groan - Dean was right: why was it even that big of a deal? Pushing myself out of bed, I tighten the string on my pants and walk to the bathroom. Quickly, I wash my face and swish some mouth wash around. Morning breath is one of my pet peeves. Grabbing some clothes from just outside the bathroom door, I dress quietly in some ripped white skinny jeans and an orange graphic tee that hasJohnny Bravo's face on it. When I emerge from the bathroom barefooted, pajamas in hand, I see Sam looking from a paper in his hand to the laptop beside him on the bed.

The clothes drop into my open bag carelessly, and I walk over to sit on mine and Dean's bed.

After a moment, I say, "What's that paper?"

Sam glances up to me, as if noticing that I'm awake for the first time. "Oh, it was left on our door," he replies. "Dean went out to get breakfast, by the way." His face contorts slightly like he's remembering something unpleasant. "But, I'm sure you already know that." He sighs, relaxing his face again, and poking some things into the keyboard.

Walking to the bathroom again, I utter, "I've been thinking... maybe this creature is a hybrid of some sort."

"A hybrid?" Sam repeats. I yank a brush through my hair.

"Yeah," I say simply. "Or maybe it's just some psycho." The blue from my hair comes out a bit on my brush, and I make a mental note to get some more hair dye.

"That's a good thought, but," Sam holds up the paper to me. "Take a look at this."

Still brushing my hair, I walk over and take the paper in my free hand. It's a flyer for a club:

CodewordDon't Forget It

Grand Re-Opening TODAY
Cony Roar; Pity Utari; Type AO+B

"What are those words at the bottom?" I ask, handing him the paper. He takes it and stares at the screen of his laptop.

"They're anagrams," he tells me. "Cony roar would most likely be 'coronary', which could mean they have hearts. But, hearts like actual human hearts," Sam looks up to me to see my reaction - nothing - then looks back to the screen. "And pity utari I figured out could be pituitary, like the gland. Type AO+B would indicate the blood types O and AB."

"Or O, A, and B," I say.

He shrugs. "Either way, I think this is where the missing parts of the victims' went." I frown at him, curious.

"What makes you think that? Maybe the person who made the flyer was high or something," I point out. Sam shrugs again. There's a while of silence, which I take advantage of to finish doing my hair.

In the end, my hair is in a high ponytail with small strands falling into my face.

"So, Chrys," Sam starts as I walk out of the bathroom. "Is there something going on between you and Dean?" He eyes me suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" I say. Should I tell him the truth?

He chuckles, "I mean exactly what you think I mean."

"No," I say, occupying myself with making the bed. The door opens, and Dean walks in carrying take-out bags.

"Morning, princess," he says, giving me a wink. I smile and help him with the bags of food. "Oh, and good morning, Chrys." Sam lets out an offended huff.

All of us grin, though. We set the food out and eat, I with my eggs and bacon, Sam with his waffles and whip cream with strawberries, and Dean with his towering pancakes and syrup.

Once we were finished and cleaned up, Dean asks, "What did I miss while I was out?"

"Well," Sam starts, passing him the paper he showed me earlier. "I noticed that on the door when you left."

"What the hell is a cony roar? Cony like Cony Island?" Dean exclaims, soundly heavily confused. I can't help but smirk. "What are you smirking at?" he says, smirking back.

"It's an anagram, Dean," I say, walking over to him. I point at each word in turn, "Cony roar is 'coronary', like heart; pity utari is 'pituitary', like the gland; and type AO+B refers to the blood types O and AB."

"Or," Sam cuts in, "O, A, and B."

"Huh," Dean says, staring at the paper like he couldn't believe tiny words could mean so much. "Well, let's go clubbing." The three of us smile at each other. Then we each get dressed like it's Saturday - it's Tuesday, but same difference.

I dress in a different shirt - a crop top saying "Too Cool for School" with the sleeves rolled up - and a leather jacket. Pulling on some all black Converse shoes, I glance up to see what the boys are wearing. Sam has on dark brown pants, a red v-neck, and black boots; Dean has on dark jeans, a green v-neck with a leather jacket and blue sneakers.

"We look fabulous," I say, smirking at the two.

"I know," Dean says, picking the car keys up from the kitchen table.

The three of us get in the car and drive off. It takes about 10 minutes to get there, and outside is a small line leading to a bouncer.

When we get in line, I notice red light peeking through the small window high above me.

I nudge the other two and point at it. This only makes us more curious about the place. Music thumps through my shoes up to my head as we slowly move up to the front of the line.

"What's the codeword?" the bouncer asks, closing the door behind the people that were before us.

I glance to the boys on either side of me before saying, "Pity utari." The bouncer opens up the gate doorway to let us in. Right after it is a curtain, and I force myself through it, too lazy to look for the opening.

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