Chapter Two

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"Trick," I croak, sitting up suddenly. My head aches, so I lay back down. After a moment, I realize I'm in the back of a car. I let out a huff, reaching for my machete; it isn't there.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," a rough voice calls out from the driver seat. Knitting my eyebrows together, I sit up slowly. The blood doesn't rush to my head this time, so I sit up straight and stare out in front of me through the windshield.

"Who are you? Where are we going?" I ask, trying to make my voice sound intimidating.

"We're taking you home," the guy in the passenger seat responds. His hair's long, and when he turns to me, I see kindness in his face; it's a face you can't not trust him.

"You don't know where that is," I state, staring hard at him. They exchange a glance in the silence.

"Where is it, then?" the passenger speaks up again. I tilt my head like I'm considering if I should say. In reality, I'm trying to get my knife from my boot.

"Depends on who's asking," I say. My knife isn't in my boot, so I assume they took it from me. Why?

"Kinky," the driver says. The long haired one stares at him and shakes his head.

"How," he asks, "is that even remotely kinky?"

"Remotes aren't kinky," the other man scoffs. "Unless you're into that kind of thing," he says, looking over his shoulder to me.

"Who are you?" I ask again, staring threateningly at him. "And why'd you take my knives?"

The driver cracks his neck and adjusts his grip on the steering wheel. "I'm Dean Winchester," he says, "and this is my little brother Sam. I assume you're a hunter, too."

"Yes," I say. Then I pause before saying, "Your names are familiar."

Dean lets out a small laugh, and the two share a look. Sam smirks and looks out his window. I just roll my eyes and sit back hard into the leather seat.

"Mind telling us where you live now?" Dean demands.

"It's on Esplanade Avenue - one of the street houses," I give in.

"Thanks," he says simply and turns on his blinker to take a left.

"So, got any family?" Sam asks, shifting in his seat to look at me.

I nod, saying, "Two younger brothers and my mom."

"Dad?" he asks.

"Gone," I respond frankly.

Sam gives a slight sympathetic smile, saying, "Ours too. And our mom..."

Dean shoots Sam a glare for a moment. Then his eyes are directed back to the road where flashing lights are; there are police in front of my house.

"That's my house," I say, jumping from the car. I sprint over to the police cars, ducking under the caution tape as I go to the porch.

"What happened?" I scream, pushing back the police who were trying to turn me back around.

"This is a crime scene, ma'am. You can't be here," one of the men say, still trying to hold me back.

"This crime scene is my house," I say defiantly. Sensing people behind me, I look over my shoulder and see Sam and Dean. "Tell him. Tell him my mom's in th-" I stop. "Mom," I whisper, tears filling my eyes. Then I run into the house, skipping all 4 porch stairs and dodging every police officer's attempt to get me. Walking to the foyer, I rush over to the doorway to the living room. A hole where the door should have been is crossed with caution tape, and I cry, staring over the yellow at my dead mother on the floor. Her throat is mangled, like a vampire was sucking her blood. Arms take my middle from behind and pull me away. We pause in the foyer as a gurney takes away Xavier, who has an oxygen mask on him. This makes me cry even harder.

The arms around me walk me to a black Impala, and I realize how much I miss my jeep; it was my mom's. I curl up in the back seat as we drive away. Then, I realize something. I sniffle and sit up straight, saying it again: "Trick."

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