chapter 8

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It's morning now,my sister might come into my room to wake me up so I can go to the academy.But I am still in the instant during dungeon.

How do I explain where I went if she asks.I did not think this plan through properly.I know I can act like I am feeling very sick.Its not lying since I do feel sick.Sick of being weak.I should use ID escape to get out she will not see I'm not inside the room.

"ID escape"

Good thing I did not leave to another place when I was in the ID.Then I would have been transported away from my room to the place ID escape was used in.That would be troublesome.

so I am grateful that did not happen.Now I am starting to sound like shikamaru wow must be his influence on me since I sit next to him.Now I am in the room laying down on my bed waiting for my sister to come.

After like 30 minutes she came.She called to wake me up. I ignored her calls 3 times so she would not know I was already awake.

After the third one I weakly replied in a very hoarse voice "I am feeling very weak and I am having headaches so I don't think I can go to the academy.

Narumi worriedly asked "Does it hurt a lot"

Since I did not want to worry her I replied "no it does not hurt that much".Still with a worried tone

Narumi said " Ok then do not go to the academy until you feel better.

"Yes I won't go have a nice day Narumi"

After that she left to go to the academy.As soon as she went out the door I said I'D create and went straight into the dungeon.To exercise and level up all my combat skills.After that I took some of the academy books I got.I know it's a bad idea to start reading to learn knowledge after heavy exercise but does it really matter.To me it doesn't so yeah I will just read it right now

VIT +20

STR +20

WIS +5

INT +5

This continued for 3 months.Now only 2 months were left for the graduation day.

I leveled up so many skills.My STR VIT INT and WIS stats are now so much higher than before.oh yeah This feels great having leveled up all of that stuff and yeah my sister did not get suspicious of why I was sick for 2 months from a very not hurting disease.Of course she would not be suspicious.After all she is my lovely sister.Hopefully....

Ok now onto the serious business.Lets look at my skills shall we.

"Open skills"

Skill List Window

Gamer Skills

Gamer's Mind: Lv Max. Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Grants one an immunity to psychological status. Strong and powerful Genjutsu being the exception depending on the users level and skill.

Gamer's Body: Lv Max. Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. HP & CP are fully recovered after sleeping.


Passive/Active Skills

Observe: Lv Max
observing objects, situations, and people allows for quick information gathering. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.

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