Part one of the Chuunin exams

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Two days later

Anko said that my team for the Chuunin exams would meet me here by noon today. Its almost noon and still no sign of them. I really hope they didn't forget. I slid down the trunk of the tree and sat down. The sky is so blue today, I wonder why.

"Well, well well. It seems little Amaya has grown to be such a lovely young Genin." That voice. That awful voice. A bone-numbing chill went through my body

"Its been awhile hasn't it," I paused. "Kabuto Sensei." I stood up and looked behind me. There he stood looking the same like he did those years ago. He had his hair pulled back as usual, same purple outfit, and the same cold deceiving eyes. I crossed my arms and looked at the the men behind him. They looked exactly alike. One was shorter though. "So who are the other two that I have to deal with?"

Kabuto pushed his glasses up a little, "The other two are Misumi Tsurugi and Yoroi." He replied trying to keep his cool.

"Where's Orochimaru?" I tapped my finger against my arm. "I know he's dying to see me. It's not like him to not show."

He smirked, "Who says he didn't show?"

"What do you mean?" Just after it came out of my mouth a shiver went through my body. This shiver isn't like normal shivers; this one was colder, more like death. 

Two cold bony hands lightly gripped my shoulders. "Amaya, sweet Amaya. You've become cocky." His cold voice slithered through my body and I became paralyzed. "Being cocky can get you killed." He breathed into my ear.

"O-Oroch-chimaru." I couldn't say anything; nothing came out. I wanted to scream to get help. All I could do was just stand there.

"Aw, what must you call me by my name? I thought we were still on father daughter basis," he cooed. "It hurts me that you don't call me father, or daddy for that matter."

I clenched my fist and broke out of his grip then stared at him in the face. He still had his snake like eyes and that cocky grin. "You were never my father. Not after what happened to mom!" I hissed.

He chuckled, "Your mother wasn't any use to me after you were born. I mean, she wouldn't let her sweet little Amaya become powerful. Your resemblance to her is quite," he paused, "irritating.

I felt a slow rising urge to kill him. I felt the blood boil in my veins, but all I could do was take it. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Scouting of course. I've heard there were talented Genin taking part in the Chuunin exams. Why, everyone has been excited. First off, the last of the Uchihas is taking part, the Uwabami Princess is taking part, and of course two Jinchuriki are taking part as well. Gaara of the Sand and Naruto Uzumaki." He made an evil grin.

I knew of Naruto's, but I'm worried about Gaara. I know he has a problem controlling Shukaku. "That's the reason you're here. You power seeking monster!" I growled

He pouted, "Aw, do you have to be so mean to your father?"

"Damn you!" I screamed. Just before I could touch him, Kabuto jumped in between us and gripped my wrist firmly.

I glared at Orochimaru while keeping an eye on Kabuto's hands. Orochimaru snickered and tilted his head to the side, "That look in your eye. The look to kill, I enjoy it. You really have gotten stronger now haven't you?" I gritted my teeth trying to hold in the anger boiling inside me. "You're too much like your mother. Only difference is, she was able to kill. You aren't."

Kabuto swung his arms and threw me into a near by tree. When I hit it, I felt something crack and I landed on my hands and knees choking on my own blood. A set of feet were in front of me. I was to scared to look up to see who it was.

Fighting to stay alive (naurto fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ