The forest of death

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Normal pov

So the next morning I went to where we all had to meet. The area of where we had to meet was outside a restricted area. I have no clue why, but I'm kind of scared about it. Everyone starting slowly coming in wiping the sleep out of their eyes. Kabuto and the rest of my team showed up looking fully confident in this next part.

"Alright maggots!" Anko shouted once everyone showed up. "Be prepared for your worst nightmare! The Forest of Death!" A shiver went through my body. I hated the very sound of that.

While Anko was explaining the rules, I was creating strategies. I know this part of the exam was stealing and transporting documents. There is half a chance that someone has the scroll I need and the scroll I don't. What I need to do is figure out the half that has the one that I will need before I attack.

Once everyone got their scrolls we were escorted to one of the forty-four gates that leads inside. I looked of what I could of the area inside. Looks like I can use it to my advantage. Releasing a sigh I looked up at the clouds.

"Kabuto, Misumi, Yoroi. Listen up." I paused and stared inside the forest. "There's a fifty percent chance we will find what we need so we can't go attack people guessing that they have the scroll we need. And if Orochimaru is here we are not going to get his help either."

"You already have a plan?" Kabuto asked surprised.

I nodded and looked back at them. "Yes. We will find the scroll we need. Let the team that has it wander around, but we will put a genjutsu on their location so they don't get out of range. We'll attack at dawn."

"Wouldn't it be better attacking at night?" Misumi asked.

I shook my head, "No. They might be expecting us. They will be up all night trying to stay alive, and by morning they'll be exhausted. That's when we strike. But for now," I paused as the gates opened. "Lets find our targets."

We started running in until we were a good distance in. I used my Hebigan so then my senses will be on full guard. I stood on a tree branch and looked around. "Be careful. There are many blood thirsty animals in here." I sniffed the air, "It seems that there are three possible candidates to choose from about a hundred yards away." I sat down and crossed my legs.

"Can you figure out who has what?" Yoroi shouted.

I made three clones. I made each of them use the assimilation jutsu. "You three go find out what those teams have. If they have the Earth scroll leave them. If they have the Heaven scroll, attack and place a jutsu on them so then they can't go anywhere. Come right back when you have completed that task." They nodded and left.

I sighed then jumped down, "Now we wait. Judging by the fact that we have to eat bugs or fish for the next day we shouldn't eat to much. It might be poisoned. Misumi, Yoroi, go scout for food. Do not engage any teams." I ordered.

"Yes Amaya." The bowed their heads and took off. I gave a sigh of relief and stared at the clouds.

"How did you figure out a strategy in this short amount of time?" Kabuto walked over to me and sat down in front of me. "I know you're a damn good strategist, but to think of a strategy under five minutes?"

I looked at him and smirked, "Well if you had Orochimaru on your tail every night you would too. I mean he may have promised not to experiment on me, but he is a terrible promise keeper. He has been trying to put the curse mark on me," I paused. I yawned slightly feeling a little tired.

"Take a nap. I'll watch you until the guys get back. And who knows when your clones are getting back. They're just like you. Always wanting to have a little fun before leaving." He chuckled.

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