The Village hidden in the Clouds.

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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling a bit uneasy. I crawled over to the opening of the tent and poked my head out making sure everyone was asleep. I proceeded to crawl out of the tent and then walked a little ways from camp. I sat in the snow and looked at the sky. There weren't any stars out and the night seemed to be really quiet. 

My mind started to wander off to the encounter I had with Mandara. I clutched my knees tightly trying to release my stress. Remembering my training with him seemed to bring back memories of the old days. I glanced at the sky one more time and decided I was going to see if I could activate the Sharigan again.

I exhaled one more time and held my hands at waist level. "Saru — Tori — I — Inu — Ushi — I — Uma — Hitsuji — U —  Ushi — Ne — Tora — Saru — Inu — I — Tora — Mi." I repeated these hand signs several times and started to feel my blood boil in my veins and my vision starting to blur. Each time I said it, I got louder and the pain started to get intense and agressive. My eyes finally went blind and I passed out hitting my head on something hard.

When I woke up my site went back to normal and I held my head groaning. "God why does this hurt so much?"

"Lil' Bee ya bumped ya head and didn't cry. And it made you some pretty eye." I saw Bee and the others standing over me. For some reason I could sense something different about them.

"Bee let me carry her." Shii said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Positive." He smiled. "I need to get some upper body strength work out anyways."

I started blushing a little as he put me down. Shii crouched down and I got on his back. He's quite stronger than I imagined. "What are you doing? I know this is just an excuse to talk to me." I whispered in his ear.

"Look about last night, I really am sorry." He whispered.

"Accidents happen. I don't really care." I giggled slightly. "It was funny actually."

His smile widen. "Glad to hear it."

Darui snickered. "And you call me the flirt." Shii laughed.

The way to the village was fun. Darui and Shii kept me entertained the whole way. I fell asleep a few times and he woke me up after ten minutes each time I fell asleep. "Amaya time to walk." He woke me up and set me on the ground.

As we got closer to the village, I started feeling shy. I could see people by the entrance and it started worrying me. I inched my way closer to Bee until I almost behind him. He looked down at me. "Lil Bee ya don't need to be scared. Just sit on my shoulder and I'll protect ya cause I care!" He smiled and put me on his shoulder.

I felt a little better when he said that. We got to the entrance and there were a lot of people there. "Bee you're okay!" Two kids about my age shouted. They both had dark skin. The boy had the same off white hair as Bee and Raikage. He also had brown eyes. He kind of reminds me of Naruto, except his hair was shorter. The girl had her headband on like a bandana and her hair was red. She was about as tall as the boy and her eyes were yellow.

"We were so worried about you!" She said smiling happily. 

The boy looked at me for a while. It started to make me feel uncomfortable. "Bee, who's the chick on your shoulder?" He asked.

Shi helped me down. "Omoi, Karui, this is Amaya of Sand and Leaf villages. We have been kindly asked to assist and protect her." Shii explained. Omoi must have been the guy Darui was talking about.

"She's of the Leaf? Just as I thought, there are beautiful women there." He mumbled.

I smiled. "I can hear your mumbling. I am after all part animal."

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