chapter 32

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•Alice's POV•

*the next day*

"Are you going to go to your dads funeral?"Cam asked
"Yea, im only going for my younger siblings"I said
"Is Niki going?"He asked
"I don't know but you're coming with me right"I said
"If you want me to but what about the twins"He said
"Bring them duh"I said
"Right ok"he said

*at the funeral*

The video showed some pictures of me and my dad but mostly of the other kids and Niki
With me he lookes miserables with the other kids he looked so happy
Then it showed one of Me him and Niki, he looked mad drunk then it showed one of him with Noah at his game and he looked so happy
I started crying
"You ok?"Cam asked
"Yea"i said getting up
I went out to the back and started crying harder
Finally i calmed down a bit
Then cam came out

"Al"he said
"What"i said
"Why are you crying"he said
"I don't know! I've always wished he'd die hell growing up every time i blew out my birthday candle's i wish for his death and it came true"i said
"Then why are u upset"Cam said coming closer to me
"I guess im jealous of the other kids. In the pictures he looked so happy with them then with me he looked miserable. I never had that father love but all of them did"I said
"Al-"Cam said
"Just.. Why me,all the kids got loved and i got tortured why me! What did i ever do!"I said crying again
Cam hugged me and stroked my hair
"I don't know Al, you didn't deserve that but you're safe forever now ok"He said
I nodded my head
"I love you baby"He said
I didn't say anything
"Babe, you ok"He said
I nodded
"Want to go back in?"He asked
"Yea"i said
We walked in
"Im gonna go to the bathroom"I said
"K, I'll be at our seat"He said
I nodded and went to the bathroom

I splashed water in my face and tried to breathe
Then Zara walked in

"Al"She said
"Leave me alone"I said
"Please ,i just want to talk"She said
"About what"I said
"I heard you taking to Cameron, Im so sorry that happend"She said
"Ok um thanks"i said
"How old were you when he first raped you?"she asked
"15"i said
"Damn.. Al can i live with you"Zara said
"What!"I said
"I hate my family! Yea dad was great and my mom spoils me but no one actually pays attention to me. Ally is a bad sister, she may seem all sweet but thats fake all she does is talk a bout guys and screwing them and she always brings older guys over and Noah is actually mean to me, you have to help me al!"Zara said

"Wow zar, I don't know, me and cam just got our own place and started our family"I said
"Please al, i feel so trapped"She said
"Let me talk to cam first"I said
"Ok"She said sighing and walked out
I went back and people were getting up and talking
"Alice!"Drew and Justin said
"Hey guys!"I said
"Wow these your babys?"Drew asked
"Yep"I said
"Can i hold one?"Justin asked
"Oh yea"I said
I took Jordan out of the car seat and Gave him to Justin

"Hes so little!"He said
"I want to hold the other one!"Drew said
"Ok"I said
And gave him Alex
"Aw hes cute"he said
"I know"I said
"Can i keep him?"Justin said
"Uh no"i said
"Can we baby sit?!"Drew said
"No.. I don't trust yall"i said
"What!"Justin said
"Why not!"Drew said
"Just no"I said
Cam walked up

"Hey finally! Let's go"I said
"Yea um sorry"He said grabbing Alex
"Hey!"Drew said
"Hes my kid"cam said
"Ok and so"Drew said
"Ha, give me"i said
"Nah aw come on"Justin said as i took the baby
"See you guys later"I said
"Bye!"They said

So now we were in the car going to Dina's funereal. Cam was silent  and at my dads funeral he was acting weird

"Cam.. You ok"I said
"Mhh"He said
"I know we're going to your grandma's funeral but something else is up"I said
"Its Ally..She uh flirted with me and tried to kiss me"He said
"You didn't tho right"I said
"No!"I sad
"Ok then"i said
"Al, don't be mad i didn't do anything"He said as we pulled into the parking lot
"Im not.. Zara told me how fake she was and i know you love me to much to notice a hoe like her"I said
I grabbed the baby out and cam came around with the other one
"Ha,I do love you so much"he said
"I know"i said and turned around and we walked in

"Hey al"Gina sake dull and hugged me
"Hey"i said
"Hey baby"She sand hugging cam
"Hi mom"Cam said
"Let's go"she said

"Um I'll sit back here so you can be in front"I said
"Why aren't you going to sit with us"He said
"Thats for family"i said
"You are my family ,I want to be by you"He said
"Well family like mom sister and-"I said
"Al, you come sit with us"Gina said
Cam looked at me
"Well ok then"i said
So we all sat in the front

The service was beautiful and now cam and i was laying down
But i heard cam crying silently
"Cam"i said
He groaned
I hugged him
"I miss her"He said
"I know"i said pulling him closer and he cried harder
I rubbed his back and his heas was on my chest

"Cam just breathe"I said
"I-i cant"he said
I got up and went to the kitchen to get things and came back
I made him drink water and i wiped his tears

"I know its hard but it's going to be ok cam"I said
"I know, it just hurts"He said
"I know .I love you"I said
"I love you 2 Al"he said
"Ready to go to sleep"I said
"Yea"he said
We laid down and fell asleep

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