Prove It- Part 1 *Larry

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I slam the door to the apartment shut after Harry rushes out. I sit on the edge of the couch, fuming. The little cheeky bastard had been picking fights with me as much as possible, it seems. The stupidest things to: where to go for dinner, what movies to watch, who uses the damn shower first. But this time had been an actual fight with meaning. He accused me of regretting letting us be open about the relationship.

No matter how hard I try to get it through his selfish, childish head, he doesn’t get it. I’m not ashamed of us together. But I’m not the type to cuddle or hold hands in public places either. I tug my hair in frustration. Damn you, Styles for making everything complicated.

The door opens and I glance up, hoping it’s not Harry. I sigh in relief as the person at the door is just Zayn.

“Do you have time to talk, Lou?” He asks, seeming a little sheepish.

“Of course.” I say, desperate not to think about Harry. It’s a rare occasion when Zayn comes asking for help.

He takes a seat beside me on the couch and I try not to seem so agitated. If he notices my tension, he doesn’t point it out. But instead, he stares at his shoes and wrings his hands.

“This isn’t easy to say…” He starts. I nod, but then realize that since he’s not looking at me, he obviously didn’t see that.

“Go on.” I say, grinning at my own stupidity.

“I-I think I’m gay…” he stutters, still not looking at me. His face fills with shame and I almost croak right then and there. I regain my composure and think of the right thing to say.

“It’s not a bad thing…Harry and I are gay.” I point out. He nods and looks over at me with his sad, liquid brown eyes.

“That’s why I came here.” He tells me. “Where is Harry, by the way?”

“We had a fight.” I say, leaning far back into the comfortable couch. He looks at me with worry, so I continue. “I’m honestly tired of his childish ways.”

“I see where that can be frustrating.” Zayn says sincerely, leaning towards me a bit. I cock my eyebrow up as I realize what he’s doing. I know when someone’s attracted to me. I get these kind of looks from people hoping to hook up all the time. It’s just a shock to be getting it from Zayn.

I’m about to push him away and tell him I’m not interested, something I’m skilled at doing, but instead, I pause. The way his brown eyes look at me is in no way as childish or stubborn as Harry’s. And the outline of his solid muscles through his tight shirt and small bit of facial hair remind me that he’s nothing like a child.

That thought is so appealing that I find myself leaning towards him. He’s kissing me in an instant, realizing that I caught on. I pull him even closer until there’s no space between us and I can feel just how defined his muscles are. Strange how I have never thought of Zayn like this before…

He pushes me back so he’s laying on top of me on the couch. This is so much different than snogging Harry. I’d always been the dominant one in our relationship; that had been clear. But now, I feel childish compared to Zayn, despite the fact I’m older. Somehow, his shirt slips off and I spot his tattoos. They seem more prominent to me…and more badass. Sure, Harry has tattoos, but ones that are simple and understandable, not anything like Zayn’s.

As my eyes are taking his shirtless body in, the door creaks open, then an audible gasp fills the room. Zayn and I freeze, having been caught red handed.

“Don’t let me stop you…” Harry says, his voice trembling. “I’ve just came to get my stuff.”

With that said, he rushes to our room, slams the door, and from our spot on the couch, rustling is heard. Zayn removes himself from the couch and picks up his shirt.

“I’m sorry-” I start as I jump to my feet, glancing at the bedroom door. He nods and swallows hard before slipping his shirt on. Yes, I’m attracted to him. How couldn’t I be? He’s something new, unexplored, while Harry is so familiar that I know him better than myself. He’s predictable, and sometimes that’s boring. But in the end, he’s Hazza. And he’s mine because every part of me belongs to him; my heart being the most important.

“It’s okay, you love him, I get it.” Zayn says with a reassuring smile. I try to thank him, but he cuts me off. “Don’t mention it.”

With that said, he heads out, shutting the door behind him. I slowly walk up to the door and push it open.

Harry’s hurrying around the room, shoving his things in bags. His hair is hiding most of his face, but I can spot the tears as the fall off his face. I walk right up to him and try to pull him into a hug. But he violently pushes me away, tears falling quicker. He sniffles a little, but turns away as if to hide it.

This time, I hold on when he tries to shake me off and make him turn around so his head buries itself in my shoulder, just like I know he finds irresistible. Then he relaxes and hugs me back, his tears silent.

“I’m sorry, Hazza.” I whisper. He tries to be angry, but he can’t. So instead, he remains silent, letting me know how bad I hurt him.

“It was a mistake; I was mad. I’m sorry I hurt you, and I promise-” I say, then pull his face over so he’s looking me in the eyes. “I won’t ever hurt you again.” I brush the curls out of his face, then kiss him gently.

He quickly kisses me back, turning it into something more. I grin as I realize what he wants. He wants me to show him I’m seriously sorry, not just say it. So I turn things up a notch, letting my hands unbutton his shirt and tug at his curls with desire. I back him up until we tumble onto the bed.

“I love you.” I say against his lips before letting them travel down his body.

“Prove it.” He says stubbornly. I grin wickedly.

“I think I will.”


Part 2 will be up later or tomorrow :) by Lexi, the most devoted writer ever :P

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