Cover Up *threesome

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***Cover Up***Louis, Harry, & Monika

This is based off Monika’s dream after reading chapter 12 of The Real Direction (pink lightning aka moi) -Lexi

Monika had just walked upstairs to find one of the worst sights ever: her boyfriend Zayn kissing one of their roommates, Roman. Neither the girl or betraying lad saw Monika, so she quietly snuck back downstairs, tears forming quickly. The first person she runs into is the very person she needs most- Louis.

“Hey, what’s the matter, babe?” He hugs her as he speaks, gently petting her hair moving her forward a bit into the kitchen, where Harry is sitting. The Cheshire lad pulls a seat out for the emotionally wounded girl so she can explain.

“Z-Zayn and Roman-n were k-kissing in t-the hallway-y.”

“C’mon, I know just the thing to help.” Louis promises, taking them outside where he gets a body guard to drive them. Monika shakes her head when he says the destination.

“A club isn’t going to make me feel better.” She says stubbornly, wiping away the tear stains from her face. Tears still prickle the back of her eye so she works hard to concentrate on something- Louis’ cologne, Harry’s mass of curls, the leather seats of the car, and the hum of the engine.


“I miss me and Zayn.” Monika complains. She had shut her phone off and shoved it into the pockets of her tight jeans to keep her intoxicated self from doing something too stupid.

“I really miss us, Harry.” Louis slurs, right after tipping back his shot. The cameras are present somewhere in the loud club, no doubtingly watching. They’re always watching.

“Shh, Lou.” Harry says. But it’s too late, Monika, their roommate has heard the whole thing and her curiosity is peaking.

“You two were an ‘us’?” She asks, flipping her long, brown hair off her shoulder and sipping her martini. Harry sighs under the scrutinizing gaze. He’s about to tell her that Louis is just drunk, but before he can, the Doncaster lad starts spilling everything to the lovely, caring girl.

“We still are. But being in One Direction fucks everything up and the cameras following us around just sucks! We can’t go in a room alone without raising alarms. Somehow, people caught on, not that I mind- but management got pissed at us.”

Monika lets it all seep in as Harry slings an arm around Louis’ shoulder, feeling a bit guilty for letting himself be forced away from his boyfriend. Seeing their gentle affection, Monika feels a bit dumb. How didn’t she see it sooner? A surge of dedication and loyalty to the two of her friends make her feel a bit determined to help them in anyway she can.

“Let’s dance stop being so depressing.” Harry grumbles, setting his bottle of Jack aside.

Louis and Monika just follow his lead, out onto the crowded dance floor. Bodies start grinding against theirs almost instantly and they’re left with no choice other than to grind back.

Sometime when the music really starts working it’s way into their souls and hearts, Harry and Monika’s bodies drifted together. His hands snaked around her waist and she melted against them. Louis saw and felt the tears slip down his face with want.

He wants to be Monika at the moment, so bad it hurts. It should be him dancing with Harry, being free to do whatever he wished. Monika’s eyes had managed to find Louis, standing off to the side, not dancing or smiling. No, he’s staring at he and Harry, insanely jealous.

She makes her way over to him, worried she’s messing things up for them both.

“He’s all yours, we’re just having fun.” Monika assures him. Louis trusts her, having been her friend for so long, but is unsure if Harry knows it was just fun. Harry’s eyes lock on Louis and Monika, an idea forming slowly, though it’s not one either will be comfortable with. “Let’s head home.” He lets his balance go off while walking out, so what he’s about to suggest can be blamed on how drunk he was in the morning.

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