Chapter 9

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I decided to move on with him in his apartment. He was so sweet and life was going perfect.

Whenever I had cravings, he would always go out and get me what I wanted. I felt bad for not being able to help him much around the house since I started gaining a lot of weight.

My feet, hands, and face were swollen and painful when I moved. My back was sore whenever I would walk for a long time. My baby bump had grew really big and the baby was now very active.

Masato frequently read to the baby after reading an article that said the baby is now able to hear the parents' voice.

He would then massage my feet and aching shoulders. He was a really good man.

Weeks and weeks were passing by quickly. I was growing bigger and bigger.

We made room for the baby in the apartment and decorated the room with cute items. We were both really excited.

All these things that were happening were almost good. But almost too good to last.

I went to visit my obstetrician for my appointment.

"The baby is really growing in there. Your baby's heartbeat is very healthy and everything seems to be going really well. Alright Akemi, you can go now. Remember, you're almost close to your due date so be careful and get lots of rest," the obstetrician says.

I nod and thank her before leaving feeling a fuzzy, warm happy feeling inside.

Everything was so perfect and good. But it was almost too good to be true.

* * *

I get out of the cab and into my apartment street to see a white, shiny, expensive looking car parked in front of Masato and my apartment.

I slowly put the keys into the door hole and turn the knob slowly and quietly.

Masato never told me there was going to be a visitor. Walking in slowly, everything seems to be normal.

Closing the door behind me, I see that nobody was in the living room.

"Masato?" I quietly call out.

There was no answer or sound anywhere.

He had told me he would be home today since it was the weekend but where would he be.

I head to our bedroom and open it to see something horrifying.

Masato was shirtless and a naked girl was hovering over him while they were both on the ground. Her hands trailed down to his pants button.

Masato tried to push her off but she kept trying to shut him up by kissing him and rubbing her hips on his. Masato hesitated.

I could tell he couldn't resist the urge to have it even if it wasn't with me. Masato pulls back from the kiss with anger but she kisses him again.

He kisses back then pulls back immediately regretting it. It was hard to see him falling for her.

Tears streamed down and I was filled with mixed emotions. The anger overpowered and my body took charge over my brain.

I brushed through the room clearly shocking them and I push the small girl against the wall, hard.

She gasps from the impact making me more powerful for once. All I wanted to do was punch the living crap out of her but refrained myself from hurting a girl no matter how angry I was.

She breathed heavily from all the kissing she had been doing. Just thinking back to them making out made me furious. I raised my hand but Masato grabs it with force and comes between us.

"I can explain Akemi!"

I push him away but he holds my arm tightly. I started shrieking and yelling at him to let go of me but he refused.

"I don't like her!" He tried.

Tears were blurring my vision so I closed my eyes eventually making them fall.

"Let go of me!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Listen Akemi!" He yells as he grabs my flailing arms and holds me tight.

I open my eyes and look into his once loving eyes. He slowly wraps his arms around me.

My head was bruised in his chest. Masato's heart was beating wildly.

Why would he do this to me?

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