11 - you are used to your own beauty

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I saw this today and it was something that I really needed to hear

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I saw this today and it was something that I really needed to hear.

I have never thought about beauty the way it's written here. How you are used to your own face, even though it makes so much sense.

I have seen my face through breakouts, clear-outs, happy days, down days, makeup days, bare face days, and so many more variations. I've even seen my face through bad haircuts -- you know what I mean.

So it makes sense that by now I've become used to my face and my beauty. It doesn't seem so extravagant anymore. Or some days it really does, and others it seems bland like it would never catch someone's eye.

I just have to remember and remind myself that I am beautiful. And someone will see my beauty and deem it "The Eighth Wonder of the World". And that someone may not come along for a while, but that's okay.

Until then I have to remind myself that I am beautiful. I may think I'm bland, but I am far from it. I am beautiful and I am my own wonder of the world. I simply am.

(But here's me with my cat Dusty, sleeping like the spoiled baby he is

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(But here's me with my cat Dusty, sleeping like the spoiled baby he is. He's the second wonder of my world.)

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