16 - change your mood

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the best advice i have ever received is simply: change your mood.

when you are anxious about a situation, take a moment to breathe. why is it making you anxious? is the anxiety valid? is the anxiety irrational? is the anxiety worth listening to?

change your mood. if the anxiety is telling you nothing but bullshit, then approach the situation differently. don't approach it thinking, "this will go terribly." approach it with the attitude of, "i am going to approach this the best i can and in the end that will be all that matters."

approach everything that way, no matter how big or small the issue. "i am going to try my hardest and in the end it will be enough. it does not matter if it turns out the way i expect it or don't expect it to. all that matters is that i have tried and have done my best."

trust that the universe will take care of things for you. obviously, yes, you have to do some hard work of your own, but that's exactly it: work hard, keep your head down, and everything will fall into place eventually.

i am a huge believer in the idea that where we are at this exact moment is where we are meant to be. what we do is exactly what we are meant to do. whether or not the outcome is good or bad does not matter. what matters is that we are exactly where we are supposed to be, acting as we should, and existing as planned.

take peace in that. change your mood.

and be kind. sometimes being kind can completely reroute a disastrous situation. being kind can go a long way (and it's also just the right thing to do).

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