21 - this time last year

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a/n: this is v sappy & weird & all over the place & it's bc i am all of these things right now but i'm trying to just get through it and this helped a lil

this time last year, i was in a cabin in the mountains of Tennessee on a family christmas trip. i was stressed out of my mind trying to finish a last-minute assignment for my AP U.S. History class. i remember i had gotten my period on the drive up, so i was cramping and blinking rapidly, trying not to pass out. i remember feeling drained.

this time last year, i was one semester through junior year. i was taking the heaviest course load i had ever taken. i was running myself thin trying to keep up.

this time last year, i was grieving and lonely. i had stopped dancing months before and i was grieving the loss of the love i used to have for the sport. i was grieving the loss of the friends i used to see when i went to practice. i was lonely and spending most of my time crying.

this time last year, my sarcasm was at full-force. i know i hurt my brother's feelings many times. i don't remember if i ever apologized. i was trying to protect myself — from what, i still don't know.

this time last year, my guard was up higher than it ever had been. i was trying to keep my brave face on to prove to everyone that i was fine. leaving dance was what i wanted. i wanted to focus on school. i wanted to focus on writing. i wanted to focus on myself.

but this time last year, i had no idea what any of that meant.

this time last year, i was so unhappy. but i was in the mountains in a cabin — my happy place. i felt happy by default.

this time last year, my parents still got along.

this time last year, things were still together. for the most part.

this time last year, i had idea what i was doing with my life.

and now, one year later, i still don't.

one year later, i am still coming to terms with so much. i am still learning to love myself and still learning how to care for myself. i am still learning, and i tell myself this because i am quick to be hard on myself. because i'm not very good at loving myself. or taking care of myself. but i'm learning.

one year later, i am one semester through my senior year. halfway there. i'm taking college classes on a college campus and only taking choir at my high school.

one year later, my stress levels are lower. definitely.

but, one year later, i am still not sure where i'm going.

one year later, i've been accepted to college.

one year later, i like how i look in my fashion and my makeup.

but, one year later, and i'm still struggling to love myself in my no-makeup and no-fashion days.

but, one year later, i am still learning.

one year later, and not much has truly changed. i know i have grown as a person. grown in leaps and bounds compared to before. but i still feel like i have so much to go.

one year later, and i'm still lonely. but i have myself. and i'm trying to be okay with having myself. i'm trying to convince myself it's enough.

one year later, i'm doing better than i was last year. i will admit. even if i am not completely healed, and i have had more setbacks than i care to remember, i am still doing better. and that has to be enough.

because one year later and i'm still here.

i'm turning 18 soon. i say soon, but in less than three months.

still, i am going to turn 18.

that is something i never thought i would be able to say. or experience. but i am going to.

one year later, i still, unfortunately, deal with a lot of seasonal depression.

but one year later, i am getting a little better at managing it. writing a christmas story has helped. drowning myself in Hallmark christmas movies with my mom by my side has helped. opening up a little to my mom about being sad has helped — even if she didn't take me seriously. letting some of that weight off my chest is helping. and listening to "where are you christmas?" has been helping me cope. i had forgotten about the song until pentatonix covered it, but i relate to it now more than i ever did as a kid.

one year later, i'm getting by.

one year later, and i'm telling myself i'll be okay.

one year later, i'm trying to really believe that.

one year later

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one year later

(this is from the beginning of december, but still

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(this is from the beginning of december, but still.)

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