Chapter Three

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Colby frowned at the bags under his eyes. He'd have to ask Devyn for some concealer later.

He'd heard Sam last night, across the hallway. He knew Sam had heard him too but it was one of those things where talking about it was avoided. He also knew someone had come over, and if he had to take a wild guess, Katrina would walk out of Sam's room.

It wasn't that he had anything against the girl. In fact, he enjoyed it when Katrina came around. Her tongue was sharp and she was great to banter with. He just didn't like it when she came for Sam.

Call him overprotective, call him jealous, he didn't care. Sam was his boyfriend, not Katrina's and she would do well to remember that. Then he thought of Brennen and his heart immediately filled with guilt. The other man still felt horrible about the temporary rift he had caused between Sam and Colby, and honestly, he should, but Colby couldn't find it in himself to hold a grudge about it. He left that up to Sam.

Colby sighed and walked out of his room, praying nobody questioned the rings under his eyes and surprisingly, nobody did. Suspicion stirred in his stomach and his eyes narrowed as Corey actively avoided looking at his face.

"Morning," Devyn chirped. "Corey and I are heading out early. He wants to film a video at this weird Ranch place a fan told him about."

Colby dipped his head in understanding. "Hey, do you have any concealer I could use?"

Devyn frowned at him. "What for?" He shuffled uncomfortably and she sighed. "Follow me."

"Thank you."

She made a noncommittal noise and he trailed her up to her and Corey's room. "Sit." He sank onto their bed as she dug through one of her makeup bags. "I have a full bottle of concealer as well as some sleeping pills." Colby sent her a confused look. "Corey went through a period where he couldn't sleep so the doctor gave him some. I'm not sure they did much for Corey but he doesn't need them anymore. Take two pills ten minutes before you go to bed. They'll help."

"I don't need them."

Devyn sent him a knowing smile. "They'll help," she repeated. "If you let them."

"Devyn?" Corey's voice floated up the stairs. "Baby? You up there?"

"I'll be down in a minute!" She called. Colby stood and hugged her briefly then walked past her, fully intending on spending some time with Sam. He froze just outside the bedroom door when he heard giggling.

"I missed you Katrina," Sam's voice was full of affection and something ugly flashed through Colby's chest. His heart was pounding.

She'd stopped giggling now. "Sam, what is this?"

"What's what?"

"What am I here for?"

"We said we'd be friends." Sam sounded puzzled.

"This is not friendship," Kat said. "This is you using me again to forget something. If I had to guess, I'd say you're still scared of Colby."

"I'm not scared of him, Kat. He's....He's hurting, because of me, and he's not letting me in. Neither of us are okay but we're hiding so we don't drag everyone else down with us."

"Have you tried to talking to him?"

"If I try, we both shut down. How can we move past something when we're trying to pretend it doesn't exist?"

"Sam, you two are dating. He deserves to know how you're feeling."

"He thinks I don't know about the nightmares. Aaron and Corey filled me in on how distraught he was when I gave up. Things like that don't just go away."

Colby swallowed and backed away, thudding into his door. Something stirred in Sam's room and Colby had a second to compose himself before the door opened and Sam stood in the doorway.

"I tripped," Colby said with a laugh. Sam's face relaxed and Colby pulled him into a hug. "Lets go out later."

Sam's skinny arms looped around Colby's shoulders and the brunette stiffened slightly under then touch before sinking into Sam's arms. "I'm up for that," was Sam's soft reply.

"Oh thank god." Colby breathed, hugging Sam tighter. He hadn't meant for the blond boy to hear him.

Sam frowned as they serperated. Colby prayed he didn't see the two bottles clutched in his hand. Katrina cleared her throat and Colby jumped slightly, sending her a small smile before scurrying into the room.

"We'll be leaving at 8!" Colby said to Sam before closing his bedroom door and hiding from the other two. He could hear them talking and Sam laughed at something she said. He wondered if this is how Sam felt when Colby had spent his time with Brennen.

Speaking of the other boy, Colby hadn't heard from him in weeks. He wouldn't answer Colby's text and he would be lying if he said it didn't hurt. Brennen might not be his best friend, but Colby was still close to him and the radio silence tugged in something in his chest.

Colby cursed. Why couldn't life be easy?

Heya guys,

sorry that this story is a little disjointed and shaky. I'm trying to keep up with you guys and I'm trying to give you what you want but it's a little difficult lately due to some mental issues. I'm really sorry for that.

This isn't me making excuses, in fact, this is me making a promise. I'll get over my stupid little mental problems and I'll try a little harder. I don't want to let you guys down.

So be prepared for the next few chapters, they should be better!


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