The Big Day.

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ok todays the big day so I need to go get Lucas and were going to a hair person while everyone else goes to the place where it's gonna be and meet everyone there and set up "hay Dallas me and Lucas are gonna go ok" "no can't you just stay in bed with me and cuddle" "I promise after the wedding" "fine but let me say bye to my baby's and my wifey" "love you babe" my knees were on the bed so he hugged my waste and said "love you guys and you babe" "ok I'm gonna go now babe" "ok.... Hay Sophia" "yea" "pleas be careful" "I will now I got to go" "ok bye"

"ok so let's go get ready for my wedding" "you nervous?" "No just never thought I would say that at least tell I was like 25 or 30" "well to bad can't change your mind now" "shut up Lucas" "ok so dress is in the back, camera, and that's it is it" "ok let's go now, "hi how would you like your hair?" " This one" "ok" we did my hair and I went to the mirror "wow I look..." "Amazing" "yea that" "so how you feel?" "Now I'm very nervous" "your suppose to" "I know" "ok then let's get going Sophia" "really Lucas I'm scared" "yea why not and you'll be fine"

*Dallas Pov*

I'm so nervous just to see Sophia plus tell everyone about the twins ahhh I have no idea what to do "Kenickie I need your help" "what Dallas" "I'm so nervous I can't stand doing this" "do you love her?" "Of cores I do what the hell kind of question is that" "well than you will go out there for her and yourself trust me once you up there looking in her eyes you'll be fine" "ok well then let's go" "James is everyone here?" "Almost Andrea is on her way" "ok" ok I can do this I can do this for the both of us "me and the boys got her a wedding present" "what is it?" "It's in James's car for now" "ok" "holly shit there's so many people"

"Lucas are we here yet?" "yea I'm pulling up right now" "fine can I take the blind fold off yet" "no" "fine" "ok grab my arm" "ok don't let me fall" "I won't" we were walking and I could hear people a lot of people then we went down stairs then I stepped on a carpet but I knew we were outside "can I take it off yet?" "No almost" then he stopped me and said "ok go ahead take it off" "finally....oh my fucken god" "hay baby you ready" "ready as all ever be" "ok let's go" when I took the blind fold off we were at the beach he proposed to me on I seen a long carpet go from the stairs all the way down there were rose peddles on each side of the carpet it looked like  

 "wow Sophia you look great" "thanks you don't look that bad yourself" "I know, so you like it I picked it out myself" "I love it, everyone is here" "I told you Lucas would invite everyone" "but who's the girl with the big hat and glasses on over there?" "I have no idea" ........................... "I do" "and Dallas do you take Sophia to be your wife?" "I do I do I do" "then you may kiss your bride" when we kissed it felt like no one was there like it was just me and him" "WOOOOO!!!" "Haha" "come on let's go get some cake" I cut the first peace then Dallas cut his peace "here you go baby" "Dallas said as he put cake on my nose "oh thanks babe that's just what I needed" "I know" "jeez Lucas how many pic's can you take" "not enough" "haha ok" "umm hi we have something to say" I said as I looked up at Dallas Scar and the boys didn't take their eyes off of us I was so nervous "go ahead Dallas" "oh put it on me.. ok so I am in love with Sophia so much there isn't anything that would change my mind and I think, well hope she feels the same but to get to the point umm I know some of you think me and her are moving quickly but were happy with each other and nothing is gonna change that not even our twins" everyone just stood still and looked at us "ok then didn't get one word of that but let's drink" Scar said "Scar I can't drink I'm pregnant with twins that's what he was trying to say" "oh haha why didn't you just say so Dallas" Scar said, as I said that you could see how everyone kind of got it now "WOO congregations Dallas and Sophia" Kenickie said "ok let's go eat and I'll drink" "oh haha shut up come on" "ok" "oh hi Kian how have you bin it's bin forever" "yea I miss you it's bin years right" "we said as we hugged "yea we use to hang out every day all day... Why did you have to move out of our school Kian?" "My mom found a house... I'm so sorry I left you though I didn't want to leave you with your mom I mean you practically lived at my house" "I know haha" "member wen me and you would get in trouble in school and they just called your mom for the both of us haha I guess they just knew right" "Kian I miss you so much try to come around more please your gonna be an uncle soon" "I know so exciting!! I really happy for you and Dallas I hope he is the one for you Sophia, you need a great guy that will tell you you're beautiful every time he sees you and never lets you forget how much you mean to him" "I know he's the one Kian don't worry" "ok will I'm gonna go to see everyone, love you Kian come see us more ok bye bye oh and thanks for caring so mush see you soon" "and Sophia I live closer like by my old house" "oh my gosh now you don't have any excuse to not come see me haha but I'm gonna go over there ok by Kian" "ok bye Sophia... and love you way more than you think and in different ways" "hay Dallas what's up" "nothing umm the boy's want us over here" "ok?" "Ok Sophia and Dallas we have a present for you guy's we all do but the best is for last" "haha ok boy's let's see then" "ok first one is a big bottle of tequila but you can't drink that for a min so here you go Dallas haha" "well thanks Peyton I guess haha" "ok Sophia so I think I love you the most as a sister so I got you this big mirror with the gold trimming and you can see your whole body in it I thought you would like that" "aww thanks James that's so kind of you I love it" "hold on mine are way better ok I took the pictures that I have been taking since you and Dallas first got together and put it on one big frame and I also did a scrap book of it too" "thank you Lucas so much" "hold on there's still mine I got you something you have been waiting for and here it is" Kenickie said as he moved out of the way my dog's Duke and Roxy came up to the front with me "oh my god how Kenickie I love you guys so much but how you get them" "we went to your mom's old house because she called me and said that she moved and that they were tied up in the back yard and to come get them before the land lord showed up so I did" "I can't thank you enough" "hang on you boy's none of you think at all, all the money I have saved up since I was seven I used for this mind you I had almost a thousand dollars" "oh you didn't have to do that but what is it" "that" "Scar said as she pointed behind me it was the girl in the big hat and glasses then she took off the glasses and hat it was my sister I haven't see for a little more than 5 years all I could do was cry I tried not to I stood there with my face in her shoulder I could feel the tears running down her eyes on to my shoulder it made me cry even more then I was already "I missed you so much it's been way to long" "I know we haven't even talked in almost three years but why?" "It hurt too much to call or even text you I am so sorry thought I thought you weren't gonna come at all not even text" "how could I do that to you I love you I texted Scar to tell you because I thought you were mad at me then she paid for a ticket down here so I could come see you for a few months" "ok will let's rap this up and go home because it's getting late" "ok" "come on Dallas let's go back to the house" "ok" so we got everything in the car and left "Dallas weir are we going the house is that way" "you'll see" "fine whatever you say" "ok were here" "a pizza place" "yup lets go eat!" "Wow Dallas but ok I'm hungry so let's go" we were sitting there eating pizza and everyone just kind of stared at us I mean I don't blame them I was in a wedding dress and he was in his tucks "ok now let's go home everyone is there already" "ok"

"were have you guys been" "sorry we went and got pizza" "haha wow pizza" "yup that sounds just like you Sophia haha" "oh Kian hay so did you think the cake was good because my sister and Scar didn't like it they were texting me the whole time haha" "it was ok" "ok thanks I guess but I'll be right back let me go change" "alright"

*Kian's Pov*

"ok thanks I guess but I'll be right back let me go change" "alright" god dame she looks so good I wish I was back were Dallas is like I use to be...I miss her so much I miss holding her just knowing that I have her but she's Dallas's now so I'll Just have to let it go... I guess

"Kian you want something to eat or drink?" "Umm you got tequila?" "Yup" "thanks" "Kian are you ok you seem like you really upset" "yea I'm fine" "ok just let me know if you need to talk" "k thanks Sophia" "anytime and were was Jc today?" "Oh he didn't know I was coming I told him I was meeting my sister and my mom" "oh why didn't you tell him he is one of my best friends" "I didn't think he would want to come" "oh I'll just leave it at that"

*Kian's Pov*

when Sophia asked were Jc was I didn't want to lie but what was I gonna tell her I didn't want him to come because he would tell her I still loved her so I didn't tell him I knew that she loved Dallas and he loved her so much I could see it, then I heard she was having twins and I knew that me and her days were over

"Sophia I'm gonna head home" "ok wait come say bye to us and everyone" "ok" I loved having Kian and my sister and dogs it was all just getting better "ok I said bye to everyone now you're the only one left and the twins" "ok give me a hug and you better come back and see me" "ok but when do you want me to come over and what are you gonna name them" "umm we were talking and if its boy and girl the boy would be Lucas and the girl Payton but if its boy boy the Lucas and Dallas likes Tylor but I don't know and if its girl girl it gonna be Payton and Zalana and you can come over whenever you want " "aww I like the names let me guess you picked out Lucas and Zalana right and ok" "yea he likes Payton so and I like those names" "ok ill see them and you maybe tomorrow" "ok bye Kian love you" "k bye Sofa" "not my name Kian" "is to me" he said as he walked out the door.

Duke, Roxy, and the beach

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Duke, Roxy, and the beach.

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