A new adventurer

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Ben and his friends woke up in a world they didn't recons,  it was filled with- teddies. They were on beds, tied up. "Was the last place, just a dream?", Ben wondered. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a burger. "A trap." He thought. He looked over to see everyone else,  with teddies next to them.

Suddenly, Ben felt a glaze come from the area of the burger. When he turned around, the burger.... Had eyes.
"Hello, My name is Burger Bob and I'm here to help. Me and my friends, the other teddies, want to set you free." The burger said in a squeaky, friendly voice. Ben decided to let the burger help, and leave the adventure in his hands.

Burger Bob's point of view.

Burger Bob hopped away from the beds, determined to help his new friend, Ben. He passed the stitched river and wound up in Fluffy Forest. He looked around, slightly scared, when something popped into his head. He went back to the beds to see a puzzled Ben. Just like Bob, the other teddies opened there eyes and a new team was born

Owly- A blue, ninja owl.
Mrs Piggy- A pig obsessed with Burger Bob
'Narna- A banana that thinks he is cool.
Burger Bob- The leader. He is literally just a burger.
Magic Mouse- A magic-obsessed mouse.

I know this is a short chapter- but I think it is a fun start for the few chapter long adventure of Burger Bob. Keep in your mind that after the Burger Bob section, it is the final chapter, so the segment will be 3-4 chapters long.

Ben Taylor-Author

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