The quest continues

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After coming out of a cave, Burger Bob sighed,"Uhhh that's the 7th cave, Magic Mouse are you sure it's in a cave."
"Yeah Burger Bob, that's what the website said."He replied
"Let me see, Magic Mouse this is Ebay-your reading the discription of a branded pair of wire cutters."Burger Bob said sighing again.
"What about the cave par... Oh, it says the metal was from a cave."
Everyone sighed with Burger Bob again.
"Let's make an offer?"Magic Mouse suggested.
"Hah, we have no money." 'Narna said.
Burger Bob, irrationaly pushed Narna of the mountain.
"What, he'll be fine."

"So, Magic Mouse, have you put in an offer." Burger Bob said.
"No Burger Bob, they aren't magic. But I have a spell to set them free."
"Your kidding" Miss Piggy said
"Well the writer wants a lazy ending because he has other projects in mind so, yeah." He replied. And they set off knowing there writer is a lazy so and so and knowing that they left 'Narna on a mountain.

When Magic Mouse set them free Ben stood up and said."OK, we need to take Lucy and her awful company. Joe, your gonna need something."
Ben opened a portal and his guitar fell out.
"Everyone else,  you have to stay here. Burger Bob, you and Magic Mouse, are coming aswell."
Another portal opened and Ben carmly walked in.
"I have a feeling the next chapter will be full of lore" Joe said as he ran in the portal with the two pushes in his arms. The rest of the gang waved there goodbyes, secretly scared that something bad would happen.

Portal in a Schoolyard 2Where stories live. Discover now