What Turtle You Would Beat In A Fight...

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Aries | Leo; you have more anger to spill than Raph himself, but you know how to use it to your advantage.
Taurus | Mikey; You use your rage for when he steals your food.
Gemini | Raph; your tricks are too much for him to take.
Cancer | You don't fight.
Leo | You wouldn't fight one of them, you are too beautiful.
Virgo | Raph; You easily outsmart him.
Libra | Donnie; You have more skills than him.
Scorpio | Mikey; you give him one look and he backs down.
Sagittarius | Raph; You have literally no strength compared to him, but your comebacks leave him fried and he gives up, storming out.
Capricorn | Donnie; You pin him down and snap his bo-staff.
Aquarius | Mikey; you both forfeit and goof off.
Pisces | You don't fight.

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