Rants (Daejae)

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Youngjae's POV:

Slamming the door behind me, I flung my bag into the floor beside the coat rack and hurriedly walked upstairs to avoid any human contact. I was definitely not in the right mind state to be dealing with other people at this moment in time.

Ignoring my mum, who was shouting up the stairs to me, and leaving my homework in my abandoned bag, I closed my door and dived onto my bed. Usually it would provide comfort to me when I'm in this kind of mood, but not today.

For some reason, I was in a really bad mood, yet there was nothing I could think of that may have caused this mood to come on suddenly. School had been the same old boringness but nothing bad had happened. I hadn't had any fallouts with friends, nor had any of my friends, so I didn't have to deal with that this time. I just felt like crap.

This has been happening a lot lately, me having mood swings, and most of the time it would end up with me in tears for no particular reason. I felt like there was no one I could talk to about any of this; any of my feelings.

Despite this, there was always one person who I could rely on to listen to me rant about my mood and crappy mindstate, even though I didn't want to burden him.

This was my best friend, Daehyun.

He was always there for me to rant to, he listened to me and sympathized with me, making me feel a little better in situations like this. He would always try his best to make me smile and laugh, and this was all only over text.

He went to a different school to me, though. He moved a year ago after he moved away with his family, I still don't know the exact reason. This was hard for me at first but I slowly got used to him not being by my side after 13 years of it. We still talk everyday and video call at least 2 times a week. He always came to visit me when he comes back here for weekends. I miss him but it makes it bareable.

I sat up on the edge of my bed and put my head in my hands. This is usually where the crying begins.

I'm an emotional person anyway, but when I'm in a mood like this anything can happen.

I don't even know why I cry anyway, there is no rhyme or reason to it, it just happens. Sometimes I can be doing something perfectly normal, or something I do everyday, but yet some days it just makes me cry. Weird, I know.

I carried on thinking about how crap I felt and how much I just wanted to curl up in a ball and stay here for the rest of my life, and not have to face anyone ever again, until I felt a single tear slip out of my eye and down my cheek. And the waterworks have started.

After the majority of my crying was done, I finally decided that I should see if Daehyun was free for me to rant to. I don't want to do it, I feel like a burden, but I feel like if I don't then I'll just keep all my feelings inside and then at a random time they will all come out at once, leading me to have a full on break down.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and searched for my phone, which had also been thrown onto the bed at the same time I threw myself on it. I found it under one of the corners of the duvet, I have no idea how it got there.

I went straight to Daehyun's contact, sending him a text quickly.


Hey, are you free to talk? I need to rant......

Sent 4:01pm

Almost instantly I got a reply from him.


Yeah, I'm free. Go ahead, you know I'll listen.

Sent 4:02pm

And so I ranted to him about anything and everything that was happening at the moment. But I wasn't that that made me cry, it was his response.


I know it's hard, everything you're going through, but just remember I'll always listen to you, no matter what. I'm always here for you. Never forget that. Please stay strong for me, and next time I see you you can rant to me all you want. I'll even let you cry! The first thing I'm going to do is give you a massive hug, I promise. I love you and so do so many other people, don't forget that.

Sent 4:04pm

I pulled my jumper sleeve over my hand and wiped away my tears, before replying to him.


Thank you. I'm crying Even more now but that helped so much. I love you too.

Sent 4:05pm

And the following weekend, when Daehyun did come down to visit me, he did keep his promise. Before he even said anything to me, he gave me a massive bear hug which lasted for about five minutes. We were just standing in the doorway to my house hugging.

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