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I'm not home, so I don't currently have access to a computer so that's why there hasn't been any gifs lately. I'll come back and add them all in later 😇 

There is growth in pain, you just have to find the lesson & learn it
- Samantha king.

LaToya's POV.

It was pouring outside. I'd been in my room the rest of the day, sleeping mostly. For some reason I missed Seattle. I missed the peace I got there, not having to worry about anything.

A knock at my door alarmed me, and my mom opened the door before I could even open my mouth to say come in.

"You okay sweetheart?" She gave a welcoming smile as she approached my side and took a seat on the covers next to me, gently pushing my hair out of my face.

"I'm okay, just tired from the rain." I lie.

Yes, the rain did make me sleepy, but in this circumstance, it wasn't the rain that was draining me.

"I was thinking about going out with some friends from work tonight, unless you will be uncomfortable here?" She asked and I shook my head.

"It's okay, have fun." I gave her a small smile.

I wanted her to be able to go out and enjoy herself, not sitting around feeling like she has to babysit me. I curiously watched as she checked the time on her watch.

"It's three o'clock. I'm going to run by my job for a bit but I'll probably just stay out and bring my clothes with me." She stated.

"Okay, I'll be okay mom. I'm seventeen." I reminded her and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay." She huffed. "Text me periodically so I know you're okay."

I gave her a sly nod before she gave me a light kiss on the forehead and disappeared out of my room.

I stretched and reached to my dresser for my phone. I had two missed calls from my dad, and a text from Ryan. I huffed before rolling over and calling my dad back first.

The phone rang twice before he answered "hey toya"

"Hey dad. Sorry I missed your call I was sleeping."

"It's okay baby. Just checking in on you. You enjoying yourself?" His voice was light but I could hear the happiness in his tone.

He always had that happy attitude while my mom was gloomy. I feel for her, I really do.

"It's alright. It's raining right now.. I miss Seattle." I admitted and I meant it.

I did want a break from my dad, but I missed my home and my bed. It's crazy how I lived with my mom for fifteen years and only him a year in a half and I miss there over here. San Francisco was amazing but I'd actually grown to love the rain and sight of Seattle.

Everything about it was peaceful, allowed me to think. I wanted to live there and go to college up there, mostly just because of the rain. That's bad, I know.

"How are you and your mom doing?" My dad awkwardly asked.

"Good." I bluntly replied.

I never knew much about my parents relationship, as neither of them were ever really open about it. All I remember is them fighting all the time.

"Okay well, I just called to check on ya... give me a holla later." He chuckled and I obliged.

"Bye dad." I waited for him to hang up, that way he couldn't try to call me disrespectful for wanting to get off the phone.

Next I opened Ryan's message.

im sorry for how i left today.. i just don't know what to think.

Thinking my chances of getting him to listen were pretty easy considering he was so nice, so I FaceTimed him. Like expected, he answered on the first ring.

"Hey.." he answered, I could hear his nervous tone over everything. I knew he wanted an explanation.

"Look, he's a jerk. I just met him like a day ago and for some reason he's just been trying to start shit. I met him through Brendel." I catch myself lying more and more.

What is there to even lie for?

But I didn't want it getting around I messed with Trey, especially to his crazy ass girlfriend or whoever she was. I knew Ryan wasn't the gossip type, but for my sake.

"Okay Tori.." he quickly gave in, he knew I had always been trustworthy, which makes me feel even worse for lying.

But he cheated so, guess that makes us even. It wasn't even a bad cheat, he just started texting some other girl. But my loyalty runs deep and if you're entertaining another female you're cheating period, just how I see it.

I found him speaking up again while my thoughts were getting the best of me.

"Maybe we can meet some where and really talk?" He suggested.

"Yea sure." I looked down to watch him play with his hair in the camera. "It's raining now so, I think I'll just stay in for a bit."

"Yeah totally understandable. It's supposed to rain all day so maybe tomorrow."

"Cool. I'll text you." I respond before hanging up.

I wanted to stay in the bed all day, with no distractions. I could do it since my mom was out. If there was hot chocolate downstairs I'd be in perfect condition. I'd just drink that and watch twilight, my favorite movie series.

I roll over out of bed, walking over to my closet to find a cardigan I'd left here before I moved. With divorced parents, you have to make sure you leave just in case clothes.

It was freezing in the house and I wasn't surprised. My mother loved everything to be cold. I took a step down the staircase and lightly jumped as the doorbell alarmed me.

I didn't want to know who it was, but I already had a gut feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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