Marco Diaz

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Marco 's POV
Texas was one of the best places in the world for little me I loved everything about it the food the music. Everyday me and my parents would cherish every moment there. We soon moved for reasons that my parents refused to tell me. We moved to a little town called echo creek, California. I was about 7 years old at the time and I was unbelievebly nervous that I wouldn't make friends or be able to talk to anyone.

First day of first.grade was one of the best days of my life. To start it off I was greeted at the classroom door by a plump pale boy with freckles sprinkled across his face which brought out his red hair and green eyes. He talked to me like we had been best friends since forever. I felt so love. The boys name was Ferguson. I thought that was only person who was going to talk to me but I was way wrong. He then introduced me to Alfonzo. He was tall for a 7 seven year old he had tan skin and curly brown hair.

He was somewhat of an outcast do to him picking his nose and trying to wipe on the girls. They all ran away from us except for Janna and Jackie. Janna had tan skin and dark eye that matched her short choppy black hair. Then there was Jackie she had olive skin with freckles dotting her face which brought out her sea foam eyes. To top it all off she had bleach blond wavy short hair.

We were all the best of friends and up to now at 15 none of us had really changed since first grade. Well....not until junior year.

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