Luna Star Diaz

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(Star and Marco have been together for 5 months and two weeks)

Star stood in the bathroom in shock. She couldn't believe what she saw. The two lines shocked her. What would Marco think? What would his parents think? She looked up at the ceiling and then down at the test again praying it was a dream but at the same time making sure it was real. She smiled to herself and yelled for Marco. "Babe!"


"Could you come in here real quick? I kinda need to show you something," she yelled without looking away from what was in her hands.

Marco walked into the bathroom "Yeah Star what do you want to show me," he asked, walking toward her.

She took a deep breath and turned to her boyfriend showing the test in her hands. He took it out of her grasp and looked at it closely he then smile and lifted Star. "You're pregnant you're actually pregnant," he yelled as Star giggled.

She put her down and frowned, "Starshine what's wrong."

Star shook her head back and forth,"I thought you were gonna hate me."

Marco lifted her head with his finger "Why would I hate you, you're carrying our child, our baby," he asked concerned.

Star let out a sigh of relief and hugged her boyfriend. "You're right."

They stood there and hugged for a good minute before walking out of the bathroom and texting there friends and family to come over. They were both nervous but they had an idea on how to tell them. They went the store and bought a couple things.

Time Skip

Everyone they invited arrived Star was having a slight panic attack. Marco wrapped an arm around her shoulder and rubbed her arm for comfort. They both took a deep breath and Marco began to speak "Friends and Family welcome to our home," everyone clapped and giggled.

Star took a look at the people in her living room. Janna, Jackie, Savannah, Jillian, Dasha, Mrs.Diaz, Mr.Diaz and her now confirmed parents. "So we have invited you here to surprise you should open these," Star said handing them all gift bags.

They all opened there presents and practically broke down in tears. Janna had a mug that said "Best aunt ever!" Jackie had a shirt that said "oakiest aunt" Rafael and River had "World's best grandpa!" shirts. Moon and Angie had necklaces that said "granny" Jillian got "World's weirdest godmother" Dasha got "World's cutest cousin and Savannah got a bracelet that said "Auntie"

They all ran over to the couple and hugged them with tears of joy. River backed up from the group and started to dance around,"I'm going to be a grandpa," he chanted. Everyone laughed and helped the two clean up.

At the end of the gathering, they all went home and Star and Marco went to bed. They both laid down but Star scooted to the farthest end of the bed away from Marco. "What's wrong," he asked Star.

Star began to cry, "Marco, what if I'm a bad mother."

Marco scooted Star closer to him and she snuggled into his chest. "Star, you will be the best mom the world has ever seen. Now get some sleep," he said kissing her forehead. Star slowly drifted off to sleep with no worries.

Month one

Star woke up with morning sickness every day and it drained her energy and she rarely came out of bed. This made Marco worry about his girlfriend. Eventually, she started to walk around and get back to her cheery self.

Month two

She was up and running everywhere she was trying to juggle a job and do baby shopping stuff. She rarely had a moment to breath and Marco was noticing. "Hey Star," he said.

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