New "Mommy"

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Star woke snuggled up to Marco with a pounding headache. Marco's eyes fluttered open as he notice Star awake "Here," he said handing her a bucket.

"Thanks," she said before throwing up into the big white bucket.

She wiped her mouth before muttering,"4th time this month."

"What was that Star."

"I said 4th time this month."

"Star what are talking about."

"I mean that this is the fourth time I've gotten drunk this month."

"Star why are you doing that to yourself!"

"I got nervous okay so...I found Layla's secret stash."

"Their is no reason to be nervous it's just me."

"But their is- wait what did I do last night."

"Wait what is the reason to be nervous around me."

"I like you okay now what did I do last night," Star said fiddling with her fingers.

"You what," he asked.

"I like you now what did I do last night," she yelled.

"Okay okay you kissed me," he stated.

Her eyes widened and she started apologizing,"Marco I am so sorry."

Marco sighed "No its okay I let it happen actually...I kinda went for it...Star I have been meaning to tell you that...I love you and I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend."

Star jumped into his arms and yelled "Yes of course."

She looked at him and they kissed passionately;then Star threw up in a bucket,"Forgot about that,"she giggled while Marco held back her hair.

About an hour later Marco walked Star home. "Thanks by the way for you the drunk thing," Star said.

"It's fine Star your fine now."

Star quickly kissed Marco on the cheek before opening the door to the house. All the girls were gathered around Layla. "Wh-Whats going on," Star asked walking next to Layla.

"Star I have news please sit down."

Star took a seat. "So girls I have gotten a new job...but it's in Texas and I don't want to make you all move your new foster mom...Stacey."

A tall skinny woman with long red hair pulled into a tight bun. "Thank you Layla you can leave now these girls are my problem," Stacey said.

Layla grabbed her things and left the house for good while the girls looked up at their new "mom". "Okay girls let me set a few rules. No unlady like sitting or dressing,you will be covered top to button in ball gowns everyday. Number two no boys at all no friends as guys and no boyfriends. Number three no friends over...they are a distraction. Number 4 the most important rule of all after school you come straight home and don't leave until school the next day. I have cleaned out your closets and replaced everything with ballgowns. Now you blondie I am going to make you my example since your dressed so innaproprite for your age," Star stood up and walked toward Stacey.

"I'm 18 how is this innaproprite for my age."

"Shut it. Now this crop top won't due to much stomach oh and leggings to revealing put on this," Stacey pulled out a puffy pink ballgown.

Star snatched it from her hands and put it on in the bathroom. The other girls also put on their ballgowns, they all came out completely embarrassed. Stacey ranted on proper lady ettiqute for the rest of the day before sending them off to bed.

The next morning Star got up and put on a light pink shirt that said "1 2 3 don't come for me" and leggings before slipping on her dress.

Star went down stairs to see Stacey sitting at the dining table waiting for the girls to wake up. "Where do you think your going Star,"the woman said.

Star smiled and said "Why madam Stacey I have before school and after school classes everyday of the week that I must attend."

Stacey nodded meaning she could go to her "before school classes". Star rushed out the door and over to Marco's place. She knocked on the door and waited for about five minutes before the door was opened revealing Marco. Marco practically spit out his coffee when he noticed what Star was wearing "Star what the heck are you wearing," he questioned.

Star rolled her eyes "Something our new foster mom is making us wear but would you do me a favor and let me in."

Marco opened the door the rest of the way letting the blond in. Star then walked over to a corner and slipped the dress off showing off her outfit underneath. "Nice outfit," Marco commented.


Star plopped down on the couch and brushed through her hair before putting her devil horns on her head. Marco finished getting ready and sat next to Star putting his arm around her and kissing the top of her head. Marco looked down at his watch "Looks like it's time to head to school."

Star nodded and grabbed two plastic bags from her dress. One included jeans a red tank top and a Jean jacket. The other contained a royal blue flow cocktail dress with a blue head band. The couple headed out the door and to the university.

Jillian and Savannah walked in with their heads low wearing their puffy ballgowns. Star walked up to them and handed them the bags the dress to Jillian and the other to Savannah. They both looked up to see Star in an outfit that was defiantly not what she left in. "Star you are a life saver," they both said in unison before running to the bathroom and changing.

Star giggled at her friends. Marco looked down at his girlfriend "What," she asked.

"Nothing you're just amazing."

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