The Lingering Question

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(Marco's house 12:57am)

You like her dont you

You like her don't you

You like her don't you

You like her don't you

It rang in my head the question that my dad had asked me. Did I like her or was I letting what my dad said get to me; I mean I just met Star and she and I are so different. I need help I need to figure this out...I know what I have to do.

I get out of bed grab a pen and paper and sit at my desk. I was going to make a pros and cons list. "I have to do this now or else I will never ever figure this out," I said to myself.

I got out the pen and began to write.

Pros: Beautiful,funny,kind,light hearted

Cons:Hard headed,flirty

I looked down at my list I shifted my eyes between the pros and cons sections on my paper.

You like her don't you

She was beautiful her long blonde flowly hair was like a river down her back. Those crystal blue eyes brightened up my day even when it was crappy.

You like her don't you

She was funny even if she was always sarcastic that's what made her funny. That's what makes her,her.

You like her don't you

She may be rough on the outside but really is kind and she loves her family. She may be sad all the time but she seems happy with them.

You like her don't you

Light hearted that one is hard to explain but she is you can see it. She doesn't need to do any thing.

You like her don't you

You like her don't you

You like her don't you

You like her don't you

You like her don't you

"I like her."

I couldnt believe what I had just found out I liked Star. It was such a shock that I was in a state of denial scared of what she might think scared about our friendship. It was insane to think about it and I was so shocked I started to cry and sob. Until I fell asleep.

Star's POV

"Hey Star," Dasha said sitting up from her bed rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.


"That dude that brought you home was cute is that your boyfriend or something," she said yawning after.

I was a bit shocked at her question I could never think about Marco as more than just a good friend. "Dasha don't be silly we are just friends," I replied a drop of sweat falling from my forehead.

"Star I know that voice you like him," she said as if she were a fan girl.

I could feel my face get hot and red. "Dasha go back to sleep," I said rolling over onto my side.

"Alright...but if I'm right about it I think he likes yoh to," she said before it became silent.

The thought of me and Marco being together freaked me out a bit why would I like Mr.SafeKid. He might be cute and funny and smart but he is just not my type.

I wonder if he's a good kisser

I shook my head in shock no no no no not Marco not Marco Diaz we are just friends and only friends. Unless we could be what am I thinking. I'm letting what Dasha said get to me he doesn't like me and I don't like him. Unless I do. I rolled over and fell asleep with the question imbedded in my mind.

Next day at school

I walked down the hallway to see Marco standing by his locker. I need to test Dasha's theory on the Marco liking me thing. I walked over to Marco and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Oh hey Marco," I said flirtatiously.

His face turned instantly red. She might be right okay Star stay calm just keep going with the plan. "H-hey Star," he replied stuttering.

I giggled a bit "Marco no need to be nervous it's only me."

He got even reder than before he there was definitely something up I just need to put the icing on the cake. "So I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie tonight me and you," I said as he looked at me.

His eyes got big and he got sweaty. "S-s-s-s-s reder t-th-that would b-be gr-grea-great," he said.

"See ya later Diaz," I said walking away from a shocked Marco.

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