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I been in class all day and since school isn't to far from Seyvn house I decided to stop by . I stop by wing stop order ya some wings and fries and head down to her crib.

I pull up and grab by back pack and the food and start walking up her stairs. It was a crowd a niggas sitting on her steps.
" where you going nigga "
I look at the nigga stupid and keep walking
He stood up " oh so nigga you don't here me talking to you ?"

I turn around to face him " Yeah nigga I heard you " all his boys stand up with him

Seyvn opened her door I guess from all the noise " ant , what's going on ??"

They all looked at her , he started licking his lips the pissed me off even more . Seyvn started to get uncomfortable she started to tie her jacket up and hold her head low " y'all can stop starring at her " I say nudging ole dude shoulder .

I walk up to Seyvn and kiss her forehead walking into her apartment while walking in I looked back at dude he taped his waist telling me he was packing I raised my jacket so he could see mine and shut the door.

"You alright?" I asked taking my shoes off

"Yeah I'm good "

I sat at the dinning table and she grabbed some ranch and some napkins and joined me

"You jealous" she says eating some fries

I look up from eating "of what?"

"The dudes outside looking at me"

"Na , just don't appreciate them nigga looking at what's mine and then you were uncomfortable ."

She looked at me weird " you could tell I was uncomfortable ?"

"Yeah , I notice everything " I flashed a smile

She laughed " look at all the ranch on your face"

"Get it for me" I lean over the table

She grabbed a napkin and wiped my face .

She got up from the table I continued to eat she  came back with a piece of paper and started dialing the number off of it .

Hello, who is this ??
This Seyvn remember me from yesterday ??
Oh Seyvn , so did you remember me yet??
He laughed , yeah that's me , how you been

I'm sitting here eating and listening to the conversation , ion really care but I find it disrespectful that u called another nigga while I'm sitting here .

I throw away my trash,  zip up my jacket, slip on my shoes and grab my belongings .
I kissed her forehead and walked out

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