Part 2

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"Shit!" I whispered, looking down at my pants . Apparently, it was my time of the month...Ugh. I hate this. Why did life have to be so difficult ? Sometimes I just hated being a woman.  I certainly did not ask for this shit. What ever, though. You can't always pick your battles. Am I right? 

For the past couple weeks or so, I had been living with my boyfriend, Thomas. Since I had just recently moved into his flat, I hadn't exactly stocked up on all of my.... necessities. Whoops! 

Bending down to look under the sink, I checked for something I could use. Lucky me! I could literally find nothing that I could use. I mean, Thomas is a dude, so why the hell would he have tampons? I dunno. Whatever, I was going to have to figure this out. Standing up, I let out a sigh. 

Wait! Why, in this beautiful world, would I have a boyfriend?! To get me tampons.....and you know, do other things. Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I looked up Thomas's contact. 


Hey Tommy

Baby Boy<3:

Hello, my love! How's it going?


Lol, fine. Where are you?

Baby Boy<3:

I'm in bed. Where are you? I'm cold...... :P


Shit. Really??

Baby Boy<3:

Yes... Are you okay? 


Yeah. I'm fine. Wanna do me a favor?

Baby Boy<3:

Yes. Anything. What is it? Where are you?


I'm in the restroom. Wanna go get me some tampons????

Baby Boy<3:

Yes!! You should have told me, dork!!! I would have done this sooner. Gimme a minute, Ill go get you some. 


Thanks, baby. Come give me a kiss. I'm going to get in the bath

Baby Boy<3:



Yes???? What do you think I'm going to do, dumbass?

Baby Boy<3:

Uh.... you could do me....... can I get in the bath with you?



Baby Boy<3:



I am bleeding. As we speak. You're not going to get laid, man

Baby Boy<3:

Okay fine. Can I still get in the bath with you though?



Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now