Part 9

556 22 12

Y/N P.O.V.

I laid in my bed, my body sinking into the mattress below me. The blankets that covered my body provided warmth that I did not ever want to rise from. A deep, content sigh fell through my lips as my eyes fluttered closed. Music buzzed around my room, my heart beat syncing with the thrum of the song.

Today had been terribly exhausting. My boss from hell decided that she should assign me a massive project, that, by the way, had to be completed by the end of this week! I swear, she was Satan's mistress that wore way to much Barbie-pink lipstick. I had to practically work myself to death just to meet her needs. Luckily, my beautiful boyfriend had pulled me away from that horrible task. 

He had treated me to a lovely meal consisting of fruit an ice cream, no bra or pants needed. We had spent the meal giggling and chatting about the stressful events of today. As he told me about his encounters with the beautiful city of London, my mind relaxed and the stress from my body fizzled away. 

About an hour ago, Tom and I had decided that we should head to bed. The blonde man sat to my left, scrolling through his computer. The Brit had been replying to emails for the past hour, his long fingers typing busily at the keys. A deep hum resonated from his throat as he mindlessly murmured the words of the music that bubbled around our room. 

His soft brown eyes flicked across the computer screen, hair falling in front of them. His tongue would pass over his lips every so often, causing an internal fight to occur in my head. I was so comfortable, but that mouth was so tempting. Instead of getting up from my spot, I reached out to the blonde. My hand searched the sheets for a second, finally finding my boyfriend. I lazily set my hand on the bare skin of his thigh, my thumb brushing the fabric of his boxers.

Tom kept his eyes trained on his computer, but his fingers faltered.  A smile bit at the corner of my mouth. No matter what, this would always distract Thomas from whatever he was doing. 

"I thought you were asleep," he smirked, his eyes falling to his leg. A chuckle quietly rippled throughout my body as my eyes fluttered closed. I shifted a bit closer to the man in my bed, not getting very far before I gave up. 

"I'm very close," I replied, my lips brushing the grey fabric of Tom's shirt. The lovely smell of that boy snuck into my nose, a feeling of calm trickling through me. Tom hummed in acknowledgement, his fingers once again tapping the keys on his Mac. An annoyed huff was pushed through my nose. That was the opposite of what I wanted him doing!

With a grunt, I sat up, my eyes opening. 

"Hey, hey, hey! No! You need sleep, Yn!" Thomas said, his hand quickly snaking around my ribcage. He pulled my body toward his, my head finding its way to the crook of his neck. Once again, I sucked in a mouthful of his scent, my body fighting my mind on wanting to stay there. The last thing I wanted to do was get up.

"No," I mumbled, pulling away from Thomas. I turned around, my E/C eyes connecting with two chocolate colored pools of confusion.  I ran a hand through his blonde locks. A groan of pleasure escaped the Brit. Chuckling, I pulled his head towards me. His lips found mine in an innocent kiss. 

"Want a drink?" I asked, my lips pulling away briefly. Thomas pushed his lips to mine once more. 

"Yeah," he whispered, a hint of guilt in his voice. I nodded, chuckling once more. Rolling over his legs, I slipped off the bed. My feet hit the cold floor, sending a shock throughout my body. A hiss escaped my mouth, and the boy behind me scoffed at my reaction. 

"The real world hurts, my love," Tom mumbled under his breath, his fingers once again going at his key board. I rolled my eyes, sending my own scoff in his direction. 

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