Part 17

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Happy late birthday, Tom. You're fucking awesome. Thanks for being the inspirational human you are, kid. <3


Y/N P.O.V.

Massive, grey clouds hung over the city. The slow thrum of water falling onto the hustle and bustle of London lulled calmly against the roof of the flat. Cool air swirled around the room, bringing in the scent that only rain carried. 

The window sucked the heat out of my fingers as I lazily pressed them against the glass. The cool felt nice against my palm, a lovely contrast to the heat that my thick jumper provided me. Calm flooded my body as my lashes fluttered closed. 

Soft music kissed the cold air, only now reaching my ears. A smile bit at the corner of my lips as light foot steps traveled down the hall. Behind my eye lids, my brain could see that brown-eyed boy, a small frown on his lips as he looked out at the weather. 

"How's it going?" I mumbled, my voice still husky with tiredness. My eyes opened, just enough to peer through my lashes. 

Just as I had imagined, Thomas stood there, a disappointed look on his face. The Brit stood at the door, his hands shoved into a pair of grey joggers. They hung low on his slim frame, his hips on full view. Tom wasn't wearing a shirt as a result of just climbing out of bed. 

His blond hair was unruly, sticking up all over the place. Sleep still clung to his eyes as he looked out at the weather. 

My eyes climbed up and down his figure, appreciating the annoyed boy in our living room. 

"Tommy?" I tried. His head swiveled in my direction, that frown still tugging at his mouth. Before long, the man sauntered towards me. His steps were painfully slow, his strides long and sloppy. Tom made his way to the couch, settling down next to me. 

"It's raining," he replied, picking up my legs and setting them down onto his lap. The disappointed look seemed to be growing more forced as his those eyes connected with mine. I sent him a dorky smile, my eyebrows wiggling a couple of times. 

The blonde groaned, trying to cover up the chuckles that escaped his lips. His head fell back, his eyes fluttering closed as he groaned in annoyance. My forced smile morphed into an amused grin as I zoned out on this beautiful boy. 

Tom and I were mates. That was it. We lived together, along with another one of our friends, Jack. However, Thomas and I had a unique relationship.

I had held Thomas through panic attacks, calming him down with soft words of reality. I had encouraged him to do what was best for him, even if he thought I was wrong. I had been there for him for the past three years in ways that only I could.

We had laughed together, cried together, worked together. We had fought and bickered. Laughed and gotten hammered. Cried and screamed at each other. However, we were able to let things go for each other.

I loved him, he loved me.

We were meant to be together.

However, I was not with him the way I wanted to be. 

"What should we do today?" he asked, his brows furrowed together in a look of confusion. A tired hum was my response as I peered at him through my lashes. Tom's head rolled over on the back of the couch, his eyes finding mine again. 

"I hate the rain," he mumbled, a pained expression tugging at his eyes. I chuckled at the man, rolling my eyes. 

There was no better weather, in my opinion. The thought of watching water poor over the city made my heart flutter. Once again, I zoned out on the droplets that were gathering on the window. 

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