Part 11

553 11 2

Y/N P.O.V. 

"Jesus Christ," I mumbled, the words barely a huff on my tongue. 

My fingers kneaded at my back, trying to rub out the knot in my side. The muscles in my body had practically turned into cement over the last couple days. Aches settled into my joints, fading ever so slowly as I shifted slowly from foot to foot. 

A bun hung low on my neck, keeping my stubborn hair out of my face. Soft, warm air tickled at my face and ears, carrying the scent of hot asphalt and cigarette smoke. 

The horizon hung out in front of me. My tired eyes wandered over the fading colors of the sky. Grey clouds gathered around the sun, contrasting purple against the peachy sky. They loomed above the steaming city, contemplating on whether or not to cool it off. 

Hazy mountains provided cover to the sun, dwarfing the sky scrapers that rippled throughout Vegas. Hotels and casinos lit up the area, sporting flashy, neon lights. 

I slumped against the trunk of the car as I watched the bustling city, drinking in the culture of this area. Cars sped across the roads, carrying busy-bodies that were traveling cross-country. 

"Welcome to Las Vegas, baby!" a tired voice mumbled from my right. I looked over my shoulder to see Dylan rubbing sleep out of his eyes. The brunette wore a baggy t-shirt and joggers, obviously not putting to much effort into his outfit. 

"Hello, stranger," I replied, winking lazily at my friend. Dylan's hands fell to his sides as a long sigh filtered through his lips. 

"How was the drive?" I asked. 

"Fine, fine.....long. Very long," he answered. A short laugh tugged on my lungs before my eyes settled back onto the mountains in front of me. 

Dylan, Ki Hong, Thomas and I decided that, after a couple meeting in L.A., the four of us would drive over to Las Vegas for a day or two. It had been a while since my mates and I had hung out together, so, we decided to elongate two days of of interviews in L.A to a five day trip cross-country. Las Vegas seemed like a fun place to chill for a couple of days. 

This morning, the four of us sauntered out of our hotels, no one feeling the need to rush. Thomas and I had hit the road a bit earlier than Dylan and Ki, being the more responsible pair out of our small group. 

I spent a majority of the drive enjoying the scenery, a massive contrast to where I grew up. 

Although, the scenery was not the only thing I was admiring...


"All I know is (ooh ooh ooh)
We could go anywhere, we could do
Anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in
All I know is (ooh ooh ooh)
Getting lost late at night, under stars
your lips

"They pull me in the moment
You and I alone and
People may be watching, I don't mind 'cause..."

Music flowed through out our small car. My body was sprawled out, my feet up on the dash board of the car and my chair leaned all the way back wards. As I sat in the passenger seat, my lashes fluttered closed, my body moving softly to the music. 

My fingers tapped against the window, the soft warmth from outside seeping into the air-conditioned air. Bobbing my head slightly against the head rest, a small smile tickled at the corners of my mouth. The thrum of the car mixed with the music, pulsing against my body. 

Slowly, another voice began to harmonize with the instruments vibrating from the cars speakers. That smile that was just barley forming on my face grew into a full on grin.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now