Part 4

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"Really? Are you fucking kidding?" I practically screamed through out the empty streets. Rain started to pour from the skies of London as I walked towards my flat. I had just been on a date...with a complete douche. The guy just left me at the restaurant, leaving me with no ride and a ridiculous bill.

I had actually tried to impress him. My hair was done in long waves across my back, my make up prestine, and my dress... It was covered in black lace, running longer down the back. I loved it, and I saved it for good luck. Ha! Funny...

Now everything was ruined. But that thought left my mind as I looked up at the sky. Behind the clouds, I could tell the sun was starting to set. The rain added to the beauty of the gorgeous streets of London. Lights lit up the buildings around me as I walked towards the horizon slowly, my bare feet hitting the soaked pavement. A small smile spread across my face as I took in my surroundings.

About two years ago, I had moved to New York. Don't get me wrong, I loved life there. But it wasn't the same. The outskirts of London had its own feeling. The feeling of home.

I sauntered slowly down the street, not really caring about anything. No one was around, so I could be alone with my thoughts. A vehicle was coming in the distance, so I quickly ran onto the side walk. I watched as a motor bike came over the hill in front of me. My breath caught in my throat.

The bike was a sleek black, cutting through the rain at high speeds. The rider wore a familiar black leather jacket, accompanied by black dress shoes and fitted black pants. His pale hands popped against the bike. A helmet covered his face, but I knew exactly who he was.

"Tommy," I whispered as he came closer.

I hadn't seen him in three years. We had a huge fight, ending our friendship of fifteen years. The month after that was filled with tears and worsened depression. But who cares? I'm sure he didn't. I don't even remember what the fight was about, I just remember how he left...

The pain.


"You know what? I don't even give a fuck," Those words were like stabs to my frail heart. I hadn't meant what I said. I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to lose him. 

"Tommy," Tears were falling down my cheeks rapidly know.

"Oi! Don't you dare 'Tommy' me. I'm done. I've tried, Y/N. I... I'm done," Thomas said, venom laced in every syllable. This wasn't yelling, it was worse. I could literally feel the sting of those words as he said them. His once soft face was hardened with anger, his eyebrows were knit together. But tears fell freely down his cheeks. His deep brown eyes let me see how broken and hurt he was.


He cut me off.

"No." And with that he left. My Tommy was gone.

And it was my fault.


Tears gathered in my eyes, threatening to join the rain drops on my cheeks. Losing him was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. The loud noise of the engine brought my attention back to him. Shit, he was pulling over. What was I going to say? What was I going to do? I stood there frozen, the cold water drenching me, head to toe.

I watched him carefully. Thomas pulled his helmet over his head. My heart skipped a beat. His fluffy blond hair was soaked in seconds. His face...his pale skin was flawless, just like I remembered it. But he had aged since the last time I saw him. His face was...sharper, but just as soft at the same time. Emotion flashed behind those deep brown eyes that I fell in love with so many years ago. They were unchanged. His pale-pink lips were relaxed as he stared at me. A blank expression settled on his face.

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