Chapter Ten - Bennett

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She is so pure.

That was all I could think about while she was scolding me about my use of foul language. Her words not mine.

I just sit there, smiling at her, as she moves her arms frantically to make a point.

Suddenly she stops altogether and crosses her arms over her chest. And you know, as a teenage boy I couldn't help but look. I mean, her chest isn't exactly small. If anything it's actually pretty big. So, I'm sure you can see why I would look.

And she knew I was looking, I could tell. Because her arms went tighter around her chest -which didn't help at all, by the way - and she narrowed her eyes.

I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and looked into her eyes.

"Were you listening to anything I was saying?"

I smile, sheepishly. "No. Not really."

She huffs and grabs the little shit -she calls him Snickers - and places him on her lap, rubbing his belly.

I smile, pulling my shirt up, my -not to be cocky - rock hard abs were on view. I mean, why not be confident in those? Years of hard work payed off, for sure. Laying next to her, I can't help but ask, "Can you rub my belly too?"

But what I didn't expect was that she would actually rub my stomache.

She just reached out and started to rub it. I mean, I was kidding.

My body tensed at her touch. Not expecting it. And her hands were freezing cold. But it felt surprisingly good and my body soon relaxed.

I sighed and rested my head against her thigh. Looking at her, I said. "You know I was joking right?" Her face turned red, and she moved to pull her hand away, but I stopped her by grabbing her hand. "Don't stop now. It feels good."

She just shook her head and smiled at me. "Only you, Bennett. Only you."


"I'm outside waiting for you. Come on. I know you don't want to be late."

I hear her angelic voice on the phone, laughing. "Bennett. Why didn't you tell me last night? I've already started walking."

"Really? Why so early?"

"Because I walk to school, so I have to leave earlier."

I sigh, "You will be the death of me, sweetheart. Where are you right now?"

"I'm only passing 113 BottomsUp Street right now."

I laughed at the name she gave the street a couple years ago. She called it that after passing by one day to see some women twerking all over some man and she yelled 'BottomsUp' while raising an arm.

"You still call it that?" I ask her, backing out of her driveway and heading there.

"Well what else would I call it?" I hear her laugh, a sneeze following it.

I frown, "You could call it by its actual name." I tell her. "Are you sick?"

She laughs, and only now I can tell she does, in fact, sound sick. "I'm fine, you know it's only a cold. The weather changing and all." She lets out a cough. "I'm not missing school. I won't."

I went to tell her something, but then I saw her. Standing next to a stop sign, arms around her body and her phone up to her ear. She wasn't wearing a jacket. I could see her talking into the phone, mouthing the words 'hello'.

I pull up to her and roll the window down. "Get in."

She smiles, her lips trembling, and climbs into the car, letting out a sigh. I reach down and turn the heat on.

Looking at her up close I could see her ears were bright red, as was her nose. Goosebumps all over her arms. Turning around in my seat I grab a sweater and place it on her lap. "Put it on."

She nods, putting it on. "Why do you seem upset?" She asks once I start driving.

I sigh, "Because you're sick, and your walking to school without a jacket on, and it's like what? 50 degrees outside? I know you're smarter than that."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you would be picking me up today. And I couldn't find a jacket."

"You could've called me." I snap, glancing at her, then back in the road.

"What? Like I could've called you last year when I was doing the same thing? I didn't even know if you would answer. I didn't know if you were going to stay this time. Because you said you would stay all those years ago, and you left. How was I supposed to know you wouldn't again? Yeah, I know you seem sure of your feelings this time, but I don't know if you're gonna chicken out again and leave."

Saying I was shocked at her outburst would be an understatement. She didn't say it harshly, just soft, like she said everything. But, I wasn't expecting that, at all. And to be honest, that hurt. A lot. Mostly because she was right. I did leave her, and why would she trust me now? But that's why I'm here now to make her believe me.

I heard her gasp, and I look at her to see both her hands covering her mouth. Then she started apologizing, "I'm so sorry, Bennett. I didn't mean - I don't know where that came from."

I shook my head, "Don't. Apologize, I mean. I deserved that. And that came from the heart. I'm glad you said that, honestly."

I look over to her at a red light. She was already looking at me with guilt in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it.

I reach for her hand and place it in mine. I move it to my lap, once the light turns green. "Don't feel bad, Rosaline. It's all good."

"I hurt you. I know it. It's all in your eyes." She says, moments later.

I sigh, pulling into the parking lot and parking, I turn to her. "Yeah? Well how about these past two years? I hurt you. I know I did. I -"

"You were hurting too," She cut me off, softly. "The day it happened. I saw it, Bennett. You were so hurt."

I groan and lean my head back. I look towards the school and back at Rosaline. "Fuck it. We are leaving. We need to talk about this." I back out of the spot and head towards our favorite place. And honestly I was glad to know she wasn't going to disagree.

Pulling into the park - the place where it all happened - we get out and start to walk towards the swingset, also where it happened.

Looking at Rosaline, I could only see sadness in her eyes, while we neared at the swingset.

Then we sat down. In the same place, like all those years ago.

And Rosaline looked at me, tears in her eyes now, shaking her head. With trembling lips she says, "Bennett, I really, really want you back in my life, but I don't know if I can do it. Sitting here," She gestures to the swings, "I just remember the pain. How you hurt me. How you just basically broke up with me -friendship wise -because why? You were scared of your feelings? I understand stand, I really do. You were afraid of getting hurt."

Then she grabs my hand looking into my eyes. And at that moment, I realized two things. One being that it was freezing out here and I totally forgot, in the process also forgetting that she was sick. And the second thing was that I realized, that she knew. Looking at her now, I knew that she knew I was in love with her, and she always knew.

Then, she let a tear fall, "But what if I was afraid of getting hurt too?"

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