Chapter Thirteen -Rosaline

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The walk to Bennett's house was quiet, we didn't talk much. He did, however wrap his hand around mine, so we were holding hands, and would glance my way every once and a while. I don't think he knew that I was paying attention. Soon enough we walked into his driveway and I suddenly became nervous. I haven't been here in years and I am about to see Mrs. Hunter, who I also haven't seen in years. I'm very excited, but what if it's awkward? I look at Bennett and he smiles at me.

"You will be fine, Rose. Don't stress."

I breath out, and swallow the lump in my throat. I look into his beautiful eyes, and nod. "I'm ready."

He grins, grabbing my hand a pulling me inside. Once we are inside, I can't help but notice that nothing has changed. It looks the same. I smile, thinking about the memories that I've had here.

"Rosaline? Is that you?" I hear Mrs. Hunter call my name from the kitchen. I hear Bennett scoff, something about his mom loving me more. My eyes well up with tears at her voice.

"Mrs. Hunter?" I reply, rushing to the kitchen. I see her standing there with an apron on, she turns around quickly and I see her eyes water.

"Oh. Rosy." She rushes forward, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her wider frame, feeling some tears drop onto her t-shirt. She pulls me away at arms length, examining me. I smile, wiping my tears off my cheeks. "You're beautiful, Rosy."

I smile, softly. "Thank you, Mama H." I take my time examining her, she hasn't changed much. She has a round face, wide hazel eyes, dark hair cut to her shoulders. She was a bigger woman, but I've always loved that, her hugs were always better. They made you feel safe. "Look at you, truly gorgeous."

She scoffs, swatting me. "Where do you think Bennett got his good looks from?" I grin, glancing at Bennett. He definitely got those looks from his mom.

"Well, I always thought he got them from me." I spin around once I heard the voice of Mr. Hunter. "Rosaline, come give your second father a hug." I laugh at him, making my way over to him to hug him. His hugs were always comforting and awkward at the same time. They were warm and friendly, but since he was basically a giant and for some reason liked to hug with his arms on bottom, so my arms were awkwardly placed over his and I was on the very tips of my toes.

He pulled away and shook his head with a smile on his face. "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Hunter. It's been so long." My cheeks are aching from smiling so much.

"You have to stay for dinner."

"That was the plan, Dad." Bennett cuts in, shooting a smile towards me. "I'm going to go get Austin. You coming Rose?"

I nod my head and follow him out of the kitchen and down the hallway. I glance at the walls as we pass by, so many old pictures that I recognize and new ones, that I don't. My eyes linger on one of their family. Mr and Mrs. Hunter were standing behind a bench staring into each others eyes, adoration on both of their features. Bennett and Austin were sitting on the bench together, in the picture Bennett was tickling Austin with a big grin on his face, and Austin's face was bright red and and his nose was scrunched up and he seemed to be laughing and glaring at Bennett. I could tell this picture was taken last year. Bennett has always had this thing where his hair can't be the same style every year. One time he even lost ideas so he shaved it all off, and the next year he just got a mo-hawk.

In this picture he has his hair cut short on the sides and it was pretty long on the top, to where it fell down over his eyes and that was how Bennett had his hair our junior year, even though we weren't friends, I still saw him in the hallway everyday.

"That picture was taken last year." Bennett comes up behind me, I can feel his chest up against my back. I smile.

"Oh? You guys look good."

He smiled a little and stared at the picture longer. "Yeah." He said, almost sad.

"Is everything okay, Bennett." He started to nod. "And don't lie to me, please."

He looked into my eyes, looking for something, I'm just not sure what it was. He ran his hands through his hair - that was still short on the sides, but a little longer, and still long on top, but he had it styled up, instead of falling onto his face - and then he licked his bottom lip. He then grabbed my hand and led me to his room, that was just a door down.

He told me to sit, so I did. "My parents haven't been getting along very well recently. My dad has been working late, and my mom thinks he's cheating, and at this point I'm not sure which parent to believe. I love them both so much, Rose. I don't want them to get a divorce. I just - I'm not sure what to do." I push away my shock of the situation, and take in Bennett, he looks so stressed. He's been pacing around his room.

"Bennett, I know this is taking a toll on you, but it is your parents situation, I can't say I understand, because I don't, but try not to stress to much. It makes sense to worry about it, but don't stress yourself out." That has got to have been the worst advice I've ever gave, but it seemed to get through to Bennett, and he smiled at me.

"Thanks, Rose."

I grab his arm and pull him to sit next to me. "Of course."

He frowns, "What if he is cheating? Then what? Who would I stay with? I know mom would kick him out the second she found out." He starts to talk fast, he looks at me, his eyes look like a confused puppy, then cloud with guilt. "I'm still going to love him even if he has been cheating on mom. Does that make me a bad person?"

I grab his face and look into his eyes, "Bennett. Stop doing this. If he is, then we can talk about all of this later, and you have to remember, it's only if he is." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" He frowns.

I kiss his cheek and nod.

"I think we should go get Austin now."

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